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After Sujin was taken home, Wonsan said that the company reduced the promotions so Sujin could have a one week rest before the two weeks rest she will get since by mid September, she should start preparations for Aespa's third comeback.

"I am perfectly fine, I can walk and function so I see no reason to reduce promotions" Sujin protested "no means no, eat" Wonsan scolded her as he pointed to her food.

"I don't wanna" Sujin pouted and stubbornly refused to eat "I don't think I have only three children, I think I have four, Sujin, eat or I will shove it into your mouth my way" Wonsan threatened her and she sighed before starting to eat.

"Anyways, Hwayoung will come over to take care of you, so I'll leave" Wonsan patted sujin's head and left and a few minutes later, there was knock on the door.

"Unnie! How have you been?" Sujin hugged Hwayoung once she came in and Hwayoung smiled and hugged her back.

"I'm fine, though taking care of these devils isn't easy" she looked down at the three happy and calm triplets which made Sujin smile.

"How is my favorite Iseul doing? Did you miss auntie?" Sujin cooed at the cute baby girl who smiled and started to shuffle more with her, but the attention she gave her clearly didn't please her brother because they started making sounds to show that they demanded attention.

"Of course I love you two too, Sunwoo and Yujun, my beautiful babies" she tickled the two a little before she looked up at the smiling Hwayoung.

"They have grown a lot, I can't believe it's been two months already" Sujin commented and she held Iseul carefully.

"Trust, the more they grow, the more tiring they become" Hwayoung sighed and dropped down on the couch were the two boys laid and Sujin held Iseul.

"And how do you take care of them?" Sujin asked concerned as she knew Hwayoung went back to work and can't be with them all the time.

"My family moved into the same building with me and Wonsan so my mother and sister come to my apartment early in the morning before I leave to work, they work from home anyways" She explained as she played with Yujun's hands.

"And they only have formula and breastfeeding milk right?" Sujin asked as she put Iseul down "yeah, my shift starts at six and ends at two and my mother told me they all usually wake up at about ten, so the doctor said it was safe to give them only formula at that time" Hwayoung said and pulled out a sippy cup from Sunwoo's baby bag.

"This is the formula?" Sujin took the bottle when Hwayoung handed it to her and picked up Sunwoo to feed him, but she noticed how Hwayoung's cheeks heated up which made her confused.

"N-no, I pumped this out of me actually..." she trailed off, clearly embarrassed which made Sujin giggle "and why are you embarrassed? There is nothing wrong with say that you pumped your breast milk unnie, especially to me, you are a mother and this is only natural" Sujin smiled.

"I know, but it's weird to say it like that" Hwayoung chuckled and Sujin just shook her head in disappointment "nothing is weird you are just overthinking it" Sujin looked down and saw that Sunwoo is already sleeping in her arms so she carefully picked him up and took him to the guest room since it was the calmest room.

"Have a good sleep baby boy" she kissed him and went out to the living room again "I'll take care of lunch, you put Iseul and Yujun to sleep and then come" Hwayoung nodded and Sujin went into the kitch to cook something for them.

"Oh god, I think we are out of a few things, I will go get them" She told Hwayoung and put her shoes, jacket, hat and mask on before leaving.

On her way back from the shop, she saw an elderly woman with her pregnant daughter walking down the street towards the taxi area, but it was clear that they were struggling with the heavy plastic bags so she decided to help since she only had on small bag.

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