keep yeeun company :)

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Setting up her phone against a stuff animal she adjusted herself to appear slightly on the phone. She slightly covered her face with a white blanket seeing fans messages enter at a fast rate.

“ Annyeong moa, how are you tonight?"

Yeeun it is 3 am!
Hii Yeeun
Hi beautiful
Sweet dreams, go to bed
She looks so pretty
Why are you live at 3 AM?!

" I felt pretty lonely tonight, I couldn't sleep."

Drink some warm milk
Don't you have a boyfriend?
Why do you feel lonely?

" Why do I feel lonely? I mean, it's sort of complicated. It's usual for me to feel like this, but I guess it hit me harder tonight."

Awww :((
Yeeunine 🥺🥺
You always feel lonely?!
That view!
Let's date!
Yeeun it's okay!
How could you ever feel lonely?

" This career could make you feel isolated. It's difficult, I'm not built for it sometimes too. I don't think anyone really is."

You deserve a break! </3
Yeeun don't do anything
You're right, not everyone is
built to be an idol
She's going to expose people
You're doing great so far!

" Thank you moa, I don't feel like I have been doing my best so far. I just can't help it."

Do you miss Ryu?
You're stuffie is so cute!
Omg your room looks so
Let's see your face!
Remove the blanket!

" My stuff animal? Oh! This is Choco! Isn't he the cutest? I think he's so adorable, but Hakyeon hates him."

Where is Choco from!?
Hakyeon hates Choco?! 💔💔
Did you buy Choco?

" Where is choco- did you but- oh! Ryu Uinne gave him to me when we were in Japan, before we left I had met up with her and she took me out for breakfast and Choco was a gift! Do I miss Ryu? Of course I do, she's one of my closest friends. She's like my older sister! Have I talked to her, no. I haven't heard from her in like a week!"

Why not!?
Isn't she back?
Nabi said she stayed over?
Yeeun why do you live alone?

" Living alone is possibly one of the best things I've done. I mean in the beginning I lived with the members for a couple of months, then I moved out by the company into my cousins house. Later my cousin moved and I stayed with a sunbae of mine, I left after the first couple of months. I stayed with my friends for more months. I was hoping from couch to couch for a while, not a while. Maybe like two years. I was just constantly moving. But from time to time I slept in the dorms with my members, on the couch."

umm wtf
Girly had no place to stay FOR
Yeeun homie hopper core
She was probably sleeping with
Odi in his cage
Odi got a better home than Yeeun
Damn 😔
No wonder she's so damn stressed

" I just moved into my apartment a couple months ago. When I moved in I only had like three boxes, so I had to learn how to furnish a whole place by myself."

Stop the Yeeun hate 2022
Bro Yeeun
I love you!
Hi what's up just
got here

" Try so medication to sleep? Those don't work on me, they just make me feel nauseous. Anyways have the members visited my apartment? Yes! They have, sometimes they'll pop up unannounced which gets on my nerves, but I don't mind it. Has Soobin oppa come by before? Yeah, only one time. He's really hard to remove from the dorm, the other members will leave him there because he won't come out of his room."

Taehyun and Yeonjun say
they're scared of your
Bro not yeeun exposing Soobin 💀
He's hard to remove- GIRL
even Yeeun leaves her place

" Why are they scared of my apartment? Because it's all white?! It's just my favorite color, there's no hard judgment in wanting to live in a place like mine. They are just so mean sometimes, moa you have to tell them to stop."

We'll tell them to stop AFTER
Call your boyfriend
It's almost 4 am!
Did you faint?
Nabi said she stayed over!

" Nabi did stay over yesterday. She kept me company, I think this is the first night I've been alone since moving in. Hakyeon is staying with my parents because there was an issue with um something in my apartment and I everyone on my floor had to leave."

Oh my goodness
Hakyeon and Yeeun my favs
Aww good duos
Nabi staying over aww
She's all alone in there
I could come over ;)

" I think I should go eat something, I'm turning off the live. I'm going to regret this, but it was lovely to talk to you tonight moa."

Finally! Night Yee!
Night sweetie!
Have a good nap!
She's going to regret this.
Sleep well Yeeunine!
Love you ❤️

Waving goodbye at her phone she turned it off seeing a white screen she got up from her bed walking to her kitchen. Feeling the cold title floors she grabbed a glass bottle filled with a dark red liquid and a lighter. Lighting a candle she watch the candle flicker bright, the only thing lighting her entire apartment. She hadn't felt alone since she moved in.

Midnight Princess/ Tomorrow x Together 6th MemberWhere stories live. Discover now