I'm lucky to have you

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Yeeun threw her heels across the room collapsing on couch watching Taehyun pick up his bag and phone checking the time and giving her a confused look.
" Are you okay?" Taehyun asked

" My feet are so sore, try wearing those heels." She said pointing at the black chunky heels on the floor, he sighed softly picking them up and examining the heels.
" They seem painful." He said
" Yes, they really are." She responded

" How long are you going to stay here?" He asked

" Hmmm I don't know, maybe I'll just stay here for the rest of my life." She joked, laying down on her stomach she swung her legs back and forth, resting her chin against the palm of her hand.
" Why? Why would you want to stay here?" He asked
" So I could be closer to my favorite boys in the entrie world!"
" Hakyeon wouldn't be able to survive a day in here."
" How do you know that?"
Taehyun raised an eyebrow looking around the living and back at Yeeun's stunned face.
" Do you never clean?" She mumbled

" I'm not going to get into your nitpicking today Noona, I have a schedule right now. Bye, I'll see you later." He said walking out of the apartment, she sighed heavily getting up an walking around the living room. She reached the kitchen shaking her head in disbelief, the state of the dorm. She hadn't been in there in months, last time she was here she was hopping from couch to couch, in a tumbling relationship, and they were just moving in.

Now she had her own apartment and a stable relationship, she was in a happier place. She opened the fridge searching for something she eat, but all she found was drinks and fruit. Grabbing a random soda she turned around to see the door swing open, her eyes shot up to see a sweaty and exhausted. He noticed Yeeun leaning against the door frame smiling at him, he dropped his bag collapsing on the couch. She walked twords him handing a water bottle, he took it drowning down the bottle.

" So? Tell me, how was your schedule today honey?" She asked

" I went to the gym." He mumbled softly, she nodded walking to pick up his bag. He grabbed her waist pulling her in-between his legs hugging her tightly hiding his face in her neck, inhaling her floral scent. She tried to escape his grip to get something, but he hugged her waist tighter.
" Gyu, please you're sweaty." She mumbled
" You're so warm." He whispered
" Come on, get up."
She struggled to get up still sitting in between his legs, she pinched his thigh causing him to groan loudly in her ear to move her head to look straight into his tried eyes.
" Did you overwork yourself?" She asked

He mumbled a yes placing a gentle kiss on her lips, a soft smile appeared on her lips placing a kiss on his cheek.
" Come on, take a shower and I'll make you something to eat." She said a gentle smile on her lips, he smiled back at her letting her go. She quickly got up walking back to the kitchen, grabbing her hand he placed a kiss on her cheek.
" Come with me." He said
Her eyes widen feeling her face turn red she looked away trying to run away from him.
" No, no, Gyu. You go, I'll make you something, plus I have to run to the store to buy food."

" We can do that later, just join me."

Putting on a hat and mask Yeeun walked out the dorm looking both ways before dragging Beomgyu behind her. The grip Yeeun hand on his hand made his heart skip a beat, they both instinctively letting go of each other's hands. He followed her like a lost puppy all around the store, she picked up fruit she examined the back of the strawberries handing it over to him.
" Put them in the cart." She mumbled looking around for other fruit, he smiled watching her focusing on picking the right fruit.
" What are you going to make?" He asked

" I'm grocery shopping for you guys, you're not going to thrive off soda." 

" We're fine Yeeun, we eat food."

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