CHAPTER THREE : the bird whisperer .

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Once Jude finished his interview he came back to see Jenna with Phil's leg on her lap as she helped take off his cleats.
"Hey! I said take off my shoe not my foot!"

"You're so dramatic, see there i got it off." Jenna passed the cleat back to him and she motioned towards his other foot so she could take off the shoe. "Nice to see you guys getting along." Jude laughed as he took off his jersey revealing his perfectly built body.

Jenna didn't realize she was staring until Phil kicked her shin with his other foot, "Gawk harder i don't think he noticed." Her face turning red as she turned to smack the back of phil's head. "OW, bloody hell Jude she hit me."

untying the last lace and sliding the shoe off she pushed his leg away still having a hold of his cleats, "Will you two behave, have you thought about what you wanted to eat?" Jude asked grabbing a towel and some clothes from his duffel.

"Yeah i want pasta!" Phil said excitedly jumping up from the bench, "I was asking jenn you idiot." Jenna now laughing at an unamused Phil, "Aw he can come, right Jude ?"  Foden and Jenna  both turning to give Jude puppy eyes, "Alright fine." 

After waiting for Jude to finish his shower Jenna had fallen asleep on Phil's leg still recovering from jet lag, "I'm gone for 20 minutes and you're already stealing my girl." Jude joked as he came back into the locker room.

"Since when is she your girl?" Phil asked as he leaned back  using his arms for support , "She's not." Jude sighed as he motioned for Phil to get up so he could take his place . "Then what is she?"

Jude looked down at the girl while he played with her hair tucking the few strands that covered her face behind her ear, "I don't know Phil, a friend?"

Phil scoffed turning around to face his cubby as he put his cleats away, "Is that all this is?" he asked turning pointing between the two.

Jude looked back down at her , she looked so peaceful while she slept, her long eyelashes, her pouty pink lips. The sight of her sleeping made him feel protective of her, It wasn't until this moment where he felt this feeling of longing for her. "yeah, i'm pretty sure."

"When you guys get married i'll be there to tell you ,i told you so." he tossed a sweater at Jenna waking her up, "mate what the hell?" Jude whispered as she rubbed her eyes looking up at an upside down Jude "What time is it?"

Grabbing his phone from his pocket, "almost ten, we should get going." Jenna nodded as she sat up stretching letting out a soft yawn .


The trio had arrived at the restaurant and Phil had asked for them to be seated outside. The man at the front desk lead them outside to their table and of course jude being the gentleman he pulled the seat out for Jenna, "Thank you." she mouthed followed by a smile.

after about an hour or so they finished eating more so the boys, Jenna ate about half since she filled up on breadsticks before the food actually came .

"Aw look at the birds." Jenna pointed at the small family of birds that flew down to the ground, slowly tossing a piece of bread towards them with instant regret as more started to fly down, that's when she felt weight on the top of her head.

"Jenn.." Jude whispered as he froze in his seat. "No fucking way." Foden had to stop the loud laughter he wanted to let out. Slowly reaching for his phone jude opened up his camera to capture the moment.

"I hope you're enjoying yourself over there bellingham."

"Oh i am." Him and foden finally letting out the laughter they we're holding in scaring the small bird away allowing Jenna to finally let out the breath she was holding.

As Jenna who clearly didn't learn her lesson, and Phil fed more birds jude decided to post the picture he took of jen to his instagram.

As Jenna who clearly didn't learn her lesson, and Phil fed more birds jude decided to post the picture he took of jen to his instagram

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He smiled to himself as he stared at the picture for what felt like forever . "Alright kids let's go." Jude said as he grabbed jenna's takeout bag and pushed in his chair.


After dropping phill off at the hotel it was Jenna's turn, she sat in the passenger seat with her window down like a dog she laid her head on the door letting the wind blow through her hair as she watched all the cars they drove by.

"Did you enjoy today? i hope it wasn't too boring." Jude asked bringing Jenna's attention back into the car. "Boring? are you kidding? probably one of the best days of my life." she smiled looking over at him .

"I'm glad, i was wondering if you wanted to come to practice with me tomorrow." He could see in the corner of his eye how much the offer excited her as she sat up straight, "Really? would your coach mind?"

"No he's cool don't worry" he assured her, "Okay yeah , maybe i'll get to meet Trent." she teased turning to face the window again as they pulled into the hotel.

"Get out of my car so i can run you over." He unlocked the doors making Jenna laugh , "Oh wait do you want this back?" she asked tugging at the jersey . "No no i want you to keep it." she smiled at how quick he was to respond, "Good because i wasn't giving it back."

Jude unbuckled his seatbelt and ran over to her door so he could open it for her, "thank you." she smiled looking up at jude.

"I'll come pick you up tomorrow morning." he said closing the car door , "If you're gonna come up to my door at least call ahead of time." she said walking backwards towards the hotel entrance, "Cant let you catch me lacking again."

"Ah trying to impress me i see." he winked watching her walk away, "Maybe." she smirked turning on her heals finally reaching the hotel leaving a smiling jude behind.

A/N - sorry the chapter is so ass lmao I PROMISE THE NEXT CHAPTER WILL MAKE UP FOR IT ! we'll see some jealous jude and angst between them 🙏

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