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The woman slowly began to regain consciousness. Although the image was still blurry for her, she saw that she was lying in some bright room. It was the clinic where she worked. Moments later, she became aware that someone was sitting next to her.

"J-jikyo? " She whispered, her voice breaking, and her vision began to sharpen.

Wilkinson felt a painful pang in her heart as she realized that this wasn't her beloved husband, this wasn't Jikyo.

"Hi, Lily. " Song Jiho said with a faint smile.

Seeing him, the blonde turned her head to the opposite side.

"I know you don't want to see me. " Friend said sadly, then sighed. "I know you would prefer Jikyo to be with you right now. " He nodded, hiding his tears. "I understand that, Lily. "

He looked at her and then rested his hands on his knees.

"I also know that now you probably won't want to know me at all and I understand it completely. After all, it was my father who killed..." He hesitated. He didn't finish what he wanted to say.

Liliana listened to him, and once again tears appeared in her eyes, which she immediately wiped away.

"I'm sorry..." Jiho said crying. "I thought my father had gotten over it, that he was in control. I thought I had it under control... But that one day when he drank... They called me from a job my father had found. They told me that there was a big fight between them, it all ended with him being fired. I knew he wouldn't take it well... I just hoped he wouldn't turn to alcohol again to drown his sorrows, but I was wrong, and very much so. " He cried. "I didn't manage to find him and stop him from getting behind the wheel, it was too late... " He wiped his tears and looked at his friend. "I'm so sorry... I didn't want that to happen. Jikyo... " His voice was breaking. "He was my friend... I failed to protect him..."

Liliana was silent, when she wanted to say something, her voice was failing her, so she only listened carefully to the desperate man's words.

"I found you there. " Song said after a while, changing the topic. "Andre called me and said you disappeared again. I figured you went to see him..." He looked at his friend. "You need to rest and recover. Your son... " He wiped his tears. "Ben needs you." He looked at her again. "He sat by you when you were unconscious and sang your lullaby." Man smiled sadly. "He also left you a present." He pointed to the bedside cabinet, but Liliana didn't react. "Lily..." He hesitated again. "I'll go now..." He didn't say what he meant.

Song got up and left the room, and by the time he was in the corridor, Wilkinson couldn't take it anymore and started crying loudly. Woman covered herself more with the duvet and cried into the pillow, hugging it to herself.

She cried and cried, unable to calm down. Her voice broke, her eyes began to burn, and the pain in her heart didn't decrease, it only intensified even more. After a long time, blonde's eyes stopped at the bedside cabinet. There was a drawing from Benjamin on it. Woman wiped the tears from her cheeks, then raised herself on her hands and reached for the gift from her son. The picture was of her and little Ben. The drawed boy was holding his mother's hand and handing her a cup with the inscription 'Best Mom in the World' written on it. Liliana involuntarily smiled at this sight, but a moment later the smile disappeared from her face, and her eyes stopped on another detail.

"Jikyo..." She whispered, touching the place where Ben had drawn his parent on the drawing.

Her husband was drawn standing on the clouds. He was surrounded by a yellow, extremely bright glow, and there was a smile on his face. Ben wrote an extra text, 'Guardian Angel', on his father's T-shirt.

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