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A worried Jikyo sat by the hospital bed of his unconscious wife. He was terrified when he found her on the ground. There was a lot of blood around her, and the man himself could't wake up his beloved. Fortunately, Liliana got under the care of doctors as soon as possible, and now all they could do was wait. Park was worried that his wife might not wake up again, but luckily that didn't happen.

The woman woke up after a few days. The blonde slowly turned her head to the side and opened her eyes.

"Lily? " Jikyo looked at her and breathed a sigh of relief when she woke up. "Thank God you're awake." He sighed and stroked her hand. "You scared me." Said in a sad voice. "When I found you there... "

"J-jikyo...?" She whispered uncertainly.

"Mm, yes, I'm with you. " He smiled at her and still held her hand. "I'm here, nae salang."

"Jikyo? " She said again. "Why is it so dark in here?" She asked, which surprised her husband.

"Dark? " He repeated after her. "What do you mean? " He wondered as he looked around the room she was in. It was very bright in there, even though the lights weren't on. It was the middle of the day, and the sun's rays illuminated the room they were in sufficiently.

"Are the lights off? " She asked uncertainly looking around. "Why is it so dark in here? I can't see. " She said in a breaking voice, and Jikyo was even more scared hearing her words. "Jikyo, what's going on?"

"Darling, calm down. " He sat on the edge of her bed and tried to soothe her. "I called the doctor."

He wanted to go but the blonde stopped him.

"No, please don't leave me. " She said in a weak voice. "It's so dark in here... I don't want to be alone." Her voice was breaking.

"All right, calm down. I'm here. " He took her hand again to let her know he was right next to him. "Please call the doctor." He said as he saw a nurse pass by. The woman nodded and did as he asked.

After a while, a doctor came into the room with not too good news.

"Displacement of brain structures during an injury is associated with the possibility of stretching, tearing or crushing the cranial nerves coming from the brainstem. " Doctor said when he did the new tests. "A great threat to the continuity of the optic nerve and the vessels that nourish it are bone fragments formed during the injury, as well as hematomas and swelling of the tissues surrounding the optic nerve. *

"What does it mean? " Park asked.

"Have I lost my sight permanently? " Blonde asked sadly and Jikyo exchanged glances with the doctor. "Tell me the truth. "

There was silence for a moment, but then the doctor continued.

"We found out it early, so don't expect the worst. " James Marshall said. "We're going to do some more tests and start treatment."

"It means Lily can get her eyesight back." Park interjected, glancing at his depressed wife.

"There is a chance that it will work. "

"How big are the chances? " Liliana asked. "Tell the truth. "

James sighed.

"That's all I can say at the moment. " The worker replied. "We'll test you, and then we'll know more. And now... " He approached a friend from work. "I'll write you a medical certificate, you'll stay home for a while."

"James, if you find out anything, please tell the truth. Don't hide anything. " She said. "I want to know everything. "

"Okay..." He replied and left the room.

The Life Of Lily Wilkinson (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now