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"I'm telling you, Jikyo, laddie. " Andre said happily. "People really enjoyed this year's ball, and what's more..." He held up a finger. "Everyone was praising your Lily's performance. " He smiled sincerely. "Really, your wife has an amazing talent. She went to some music school before, ay? "

"No. " The younger man replied. "At first, she asked one of the teachers from the old school for details, and then she learned everything herself. " He explained. "Her parents forbade her from taking violin lessons, but Lily did it to spite them anyway. " Laughed softly. "Once I bought her a book to learn how to play, she liked it very much. And it was from her in particular that she learned everything. "

"Why didn't her parents let her? " He asked surprised.

"They didn't let her do a lot of things. " Jikyo replied. " They also forbade her from seeing me."

"But she wasn't listening, ay? " Andre smiled at his friend. "As my wife says, love always wins. " He placed a hand on his companion's shoulder. "If you need anything, just tell me, laddie. " He nodded.

"Thank you, Andre. " The dark haired man replied.

Moments later, Andre disappeared into his small office, and just as Jikyo was about to return to the kitchen, the bell rang, signaling that a new customer had arrived.

"Welcome... " Man started but stopped when he saw who came to them. "Well, well. " He was surprised. "Benjamin? " He looked at the boy who had only just noticed him. "And what are you doing here?"

"Ah, Mr Jikyo! " He called and ran to his friend.

"You can just say 'Jikyo'. " He smiled. "What happened? Does the teacher know you're here? " He asked suspiciously.

"N-no..." The boy replied. "Actually, I... I ran away. " Ben admitted sheepishly. "We were in the playground and I took advantage of the teacher's distraction. "

"Hmm..." Park crouched in front of him. "Why did you run away?"

"Because I can't stand that place! " He called, and a moment later Andre also came out of the office and watched the whole situation. "I hate being there! It's terrible there! "

"I know, I understand, but... "

"No, you don't understand. " Benjamin interrupted him. "You've never been there, so how can you know?" He folded his hands.

"I wasn't there, but I grew up in an orphanage. " Jikyo said which greatly surprised his younger companion.

"You? In the orphanage? " He asked in disbelief.

"Yes. " He nodded. "In Boston. " Added. "Believe me or not, I know and understand it perfectly well. " Said softly. "But you shouldn't run away. The teacher will surely be worried and look for you. "

"Since you were in the orphanage too, don't wonder why I ran away. And don't say you didn't do it yourself, because I won't believe you. "

Jikyo laughed at his words.

"I wouldn't lie about that. " He admitted. "Okay, come on, eat something. I'll cook you something delicious, hm? And then we'll figure out what to do, okay?"

"O-okay... B-but I don't have money, I don't have money to pay for food... "

"Don't worry. " He rubbed his head. "You can eat at my expense. Andre..." He looked at his friend. "Will you let me take care of our first client?"

"Of course. " He replied with a smile. "Come on, laddie. " He walked over to Ben. "Choose a place and Jikyo will bring you something delicious in a moment."

After a few minutes, Park returned with the finished meal and handed it to the boy, who immediately began eating the soup with great relish.

"I'll leave you now, I have to do some paperwork." Andre said and went to his room while Jikyo sat down by his young companion.

The Life Of Lily Wilkinson (ENG)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin