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Time slowed down at Times, and sped up at times. Liliana regained her sight and everything slowly began to fall into place. The young couple remembered little Ben and the friends they had lost. They often visited their graves, said prayers and talked with them. They were also happy that the situation had calmed down. All storms have passed and now only sunny days remain.

The due date was also approaching. Soon Jikyo and Lily were expecting their first baby. Everything was already prepared. Jikyo with the help of friends, Jiho and Andre, prepared a small room for the child. Liliana and Jade, on the other hand, bought clothes for the toddler and some necessary accessories. They didn't have to spend money on a crib because Jikyo made it himself. It was wooden, painted green, and also had small sunflowers on it. The gender of the baby was supposed to remain a surprise, but one small accident turned out completely different.

"I thought you went to the doctor to check. " Park said.

"No. " Blonde replied amused. "It's just a check-up, but wait... " She approached her husband. "You mean you already know?" She asked.

Jikyo nodded.

"I was worried about you, so I went to the doctor and... " He sighed, stopping the sentence.

"And? What he said? " Blonde asked and the man smiled.

"He said that everything is fine and... " He stopped for a moment, then took his wife's hands and smiled widely. "And he said we'd have a son."

"A son? " Liliana asked cheerfully to make sure. "Bennie? "

"Yes, darling. " Park nodded. "Benjamin Junior..." He stroked her tummy. "We're going to have a son."

Wilkinson smiled and hugged her husband, which he immediately reciprocated.

The woman had good results, and the doctor assured her that the pregnancy was progressing normally. Although at that time, the young couple could breathe a sigh of relief and not worry too much in advance.

Months passed, summer ended, autumn set in, and soon after winter began to approach.

While Jikyo was at work, Liliana went to the cemetery to visit the graves of her loved ones. She placed fresh flowers on the grave of little Benjamin and his mother, and then went to the rest of her friends. Sally and Bradley.

"We're starting to get along, Sally. " She said, looking sadly at the names engraved on the grave. "I hope you're watching over us and seeing everything."

Wilkinson sighed softly, then looked at her round belly and stroked it with her hand.

"We're having a son. It's a strange feeling... Being pregnant. " She was talking to her friends. "I thought I'd handle it worse, but it's fine. Jikyo is with me. " She smiled at the mention of her husband. "Fulfills my every whim, cooks what I want. I know I can't eat too much sweet, but I have such an appetite that it's hard for me to resist. " Laughed softly. "I wish you were here, Sally..." She saddened. "You'd be our child's godmother... I wish you would. That you two would be with us, tell us how it is and what awaits us as new parents. "

Liliana was silent for a moment and looked sadly at the grave. Only after a long time, when she collected her thoughts, she spoke again, wiping away tears.

"I think... Or rather, I hope... " She lowered her head sadly, but after a moment she raised it again. "That we've exhausted all the bad luck we've had. Now... It'll get better, won't it? " She whispered in a slightly broken voice. "It can't be bad all the time..." Sighed. "Watch over us..." She smiled faintly. "To be good parents... "

Lily stood there for a few more minutes, when she was about to go, she felt contractions, which caused her to grab her stomach and stop for a moment.

"Ugh, not only are you cramping, but you're kicking hard..." She said. "You're a strong boy, sweetheart." She slowly straightened up and walked forward. "Ouch..." She stopped again and leaned in slightly, feeling the pain.

The Life Of Lily Wilkinson (ENG)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें