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Time passed quickly, Christmas was coming soon, so the young couple went to the headmistress of the orphanage to talk to her.

"It's good that you came. " The red-haired director said. "Actually, I was supposed to contact you even earlier. "

"Something happened? " Lily asked.

"Something about Ben? " Jikyo asked.

"You know that Benjamin is sick... " She began sadly to which they nodded. "His condition has deteriorated significantly recently. It's very hard for the doctors to tell how much time he has left, so... I want you to know that. "

Liliana and Jikyo exchanged worried looks. The blonde took her husband's hand.

"How is Ben now? " Park asked.

"Differently. Sometimes better, sometimes worse. " The woman replied. "If you've changed your mind about adoption..."

"No. " Wilkinson interjected immediately. "We haven't changed our minds."

"We came because we wanted to ask if we could take Ben to us for Christmas. " Man added. "We're not going to change our minds. We want him to stay with us... No matter how much time he has left. "

"I see. " The director nodded. "But I just want you to be aware of that. " She said. "We don't know when we might lose Benjamin. "

After talking to the director of the orphanage, the young couple was very depressed. They knew about the boy's illness and were aware of what could come at any moment, but they tried to think about it as little as possible. They both loved him with all their hearts and didn't want to part with him.

"We'll make him happy. " The blonde approached her husband and put her hand on his shoulder, which caught his attention. "No matter how much time he has left... We'll be with him until the end. Bennie won't be alone. " She smiled weakly at her beloved.

Before they knew it, it was Christmas and little Ben was going to spend it in his new home. The headmistress agreed to the foster parents' request. The young couple didn't show their worries to the boy. They both wanted this time and they, and Benjamin, to fulfill it joyfully, without sorrows.

After dinner, the boy could unwrap the presents. Hemsworth didn't expect to get anything. Jikyo and Lily, however, made sure that the boy could remember these holidays as best as possible.

"Santa wouldn't forget about you. " Blonde said with a smile.

"Santa doesn't exist, it's just a fairy tale. " Ben replied, which surprised Lily, and Jikyo only laughed. "It's adults who buy and wrap gifts every year. They hide them under the Christmas tree and tell the children that Santa did it. I know that's not true. "

"E-eh..." Wilkinson was speechless for a moment. "How can you know that? Santa Claus is..."

"Thank you for the gifts. " Benjamin smiled. "You don't have to pretend, Lily, and I'm so glad." He said then hugged her.

"How these children grow up so quickly. " Woman shook her head and returned the gesture.

"May I have another request for you? " He asked, then coughed a moment later.

"Of course. What is it, partner? " Jikyo smiled kindly at boy.

"Can... Can we go to mom's? " He asked uncertainly. "I..." He coughed. "I-I'd like to wish her a Merry Christmas."

Liliana exchanged glances with her husband.

"Yes, Bennie. " Woman said pleasantly. "Let's go. "

The three of them dressed warmly and after a while they were outside and heading towards the cemetery. Little Ben walked between Jikyo and Lily and held their hands. Everyone was talking to each other and looking at the houses decorated with lights. After a few minutes of leisurely walking, they reached their destination.

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