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"Appa? " Now four-year-old Ben repeated.

"Mm, appa.* " Jikyo nodded.

Park and his son were in the kitchen. Together they ate breakfast of cereal with milk. Benjamin loved to hear his dad say something in Korean, and he would often ask what an object or person was called in another language.

Liliana looked at them with a tender smile.

Jikyo sat across from his son, one leg folded on a chair. He was wearing a pink track suit and his hair was tied up at the top of his head in a small ponytail. Benjamin had the same hairstyle as his parent. The boy greatly admired his father and often imitated him. He was very similar to him.

"Mommy, I learned a new word! " He was happy to see the blonde. "Appa! " He exclaimed proudly, which made his parents giggle quietly.

"Well done, sweetheart. " She said and kissed her son on the head.

"Um, where's the kiss for me?" Jikyo interjected, which made the woman smile.

"Here. " She walked over to him and kissed her husband. "Happy? "

"Very. " He replied proudly.

The family ate breakfast together. Today they were supposed to spend the day together, but suddenly Jikyo's phone rang.

While Liliana was sitting with little Benjamin at the table in their little living room, Park went to answer the phone. Ben drew a few drawings, and then with his mother he began to cut out various patterns from colored cards and then glued them to the drawings.

"Something happened? " Wilkinson asked as the man returned to them.

Park sat down on the sofa and sighed heavily. Lily at that time put the paper aside and on her knees moved towards him and then rested her hands on his knees.

"Andre will need my help. " He said, looking at his wife and taking her hands. "I'll have to go there for an hour or two."

"All right, don't worry. " Woman smiled kindly at him. "Help him, and we'll spend the rest of the day peacefully together." She added stroking his hand.

"Next time I'll turn off the phone so no one will interrupt us." He replied and looked at his playing son.

Lily looked at the same place, then looked at her husband again.

"We'll be waiting for you. "

Jikyo smiled at her words, then leaned in and kissed his wife.

"See you. " He said. "Well, laddie, I'm leaving you on watch." He patted his son's head. "Take care of your mother, okay?"

"Mm! " Little boy nodded. "But dad, appa! " He exclaimed, looking at his parent. "When will you be back?"

"I'll be back as soon as I can. "

"Drive carefully. " Blonde said when her husband was already leaving.

"I will, don't worry. " He smiled at her and waved to his son.

When Park had to go to work, Liliana and her son made a few drawings, which the boy was later to show to his dad and describe everything in detail. Benjamin got tired of playing after a long time and wanted to sleep, so Wilkinson put him to bed and sat next to him, humming a lullaby.

"Will you wake me up when daddy gets home?" Ben asked in a sleepy voice to which the blonde nodded. "Why did uncle Andre have to take dad, I wanted to play with him... " He said sadly.

"You'll play when daddy gets back." She answered and ran her hand through her son's hair. "Daddy had to go to help with the work so we'll have some money to live on and buy something to eat, like your favorite cereal." She said, tickling Ben at the same time.

The Life Of Lily Wilkinson (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now