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Liliana had been bustling in the kitchen since morning, humming the same tune to herself as she always did. After a while, Jikyo approached her, the woman smiled at him.

"And? " She asked, pointing to the soup she was cooking. "It's getting better, isn't it?"

Park tasted the dish and nodded to his wife's question.

"Just add a little more of this. " He said and poured some spice. "Try it now. " He handed her soup on a spoon.

"Mm, right. Better taste. " She nodded.

Jikyo continued to teach his wife cooking and more. The couple also learned to dance in their free time. In fact, Lily learned to dance, Park already knew how to do it, so he was her home instructor.

"You'll see, soon I'll be as good a cook as you are." The blonde said smiling. "Maybe I won't beat you at this, but I can try." She chuckled.

"You're doing great, nae salang" Jikyo said proudly. "Oops, I'll be late for work. See you tonight. " He added, then kissed his wife goodbye and went to work.

Wilkinson had today off and decided to use the day to learn how to cook and dance. In the meantime, she also wanted to talk to Sally, who had gone with her husband to another city for an operation.

"And now close your eyes and take my hand...*" She sang softly her lullaby.

Jikyo loved it when his wife sang it. He said Lily had a voice like an angel and every time the woman sang something he was all ears. He could listen to her songs for hours.

"I'll just sit here for a while and sing for you...*" She continued singing, then stopped, turned off the simmering soup, and called a friend. "Hi, Sally. " She greeted pleasantly. "How are you? And how's Bradley? "

"I'm still all stressed out. " She replied worriedly. "Bradley fell asleep and the operation will be tomorrow morning. Keep your fingers crossed with Jikyo. "

"We will, don't worry. " Blonde said. "I know you're tired of all this, but hold on a little longer, sweetheart. " Lily said, trying to cheer her up a bit. "Just one more step and everything will be back to normal, you'll see."

"Thank you, Lily. " The woman said sincerely. "Your words of encouragement really mean a lot to me. Thanks to you, I feel better." She said happily. "Now I've come to believe again that there's more to come than just these sad days. The sun always shines after the storm, right? I believe, I really believe, that everything will be okay now. "

"And that's good, sweetheart. You don't lose faith, and Bradley can see it. You lift both yours and his spirits. " Wilkinson added. "Talk to me after the operation, now you also rest. And remember to eat something! " She wagged her finger, though her friend couldn't see it.

"I will. " She replied, amused. "See you tomorrow. " Added and hung up.

In the evening, Jikyo finished his shift at work. Before returning home, he decided to stop by the cemetery and put flowers on the grave of little Ben and his mother. When he got there, he noticed that someone before him had also visited the place and left fresh sunflowers. The man guessed that it had to be his wife, Lily.

"Hi, partner. " He said and smiled faintly, then put the flowers, next to the bouquet from his wife. "I hope you're doing well there." Said then sighed heavily. "Lily and I are also doing well, although losing you was a strong blow for us... " He lowered his head sadly. "I miss you, you know?" He said sincerely. "But well..." Sighed once again. "We'll meet again on the other side, all three of us. But not now. " He added, then looked at the grave for the last time and was about to leave when he suddenly noticed a familiar face. "Jiho!" He called and walked over to his friend.

The Life Of Lily Wilkinson (ENG)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz