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'Well, I have the biggest enemy whose name is Hyunjin. He and my family had been fighting with each other since Captain Gguk found this Island years ago. He is the owner of Lachimolala Inn. But my grandfather was the owner of the Inn before him. For the past 10 years, we have been fighting for the ownership of the Inn. I had to go to court several times. For some health issues, I had to shut that Inn but only for 1 week. Then we had the election of being President where he lost in a bad way. If you want to look for my enemy then you can go to him.'

Si Hyuk said as we were stunned by the fact that he was a president not like Y/N knew. She was also stunned but then said she thought it was for fun.

'What do you say Hoseok?' Yoongi asked me.

'I have no problem. How about you guys?'

'Well I want to go home and check my brother, so if you guys want to go then you can. You have the map already right?'

I nodded my head as I showed her the map which was in my pocket.

'Then I am going with Y/N too. I wanna take some rest as I am too tired. And we don't have to go there as Yoongi is the brain and he has to work right now not me and Y/N,' Jimin chuckles a little.

'Brain? What is this supposed to mean?' Si hyuk asked as I quickly looked for an excuse.

'Actually, Yoongi is lazy among us and the dumbest guy. But he wanted to be the smartest among us and wanted to be called the brain. So that's why yeah.'

Yoongi looked at me with narrowed eyes but I just pressed my lips together as I couldn't say the truth because nobody knows about our identity and we are not allowed to say that if the person is not our client.

'Well then let's go what do you say?' Yoongi asked.

'Umm.. Will you be okay to work alone president? Or do you need our help? We can help if you want,' Y/N asked Si hyuk.

'Oh! No, it's fine. I can do it alone. Beside you, kids go and enjoy okay?'

'Okay then see you later~' Jimin said as we walked to the main road.










'Okay then, I and Jimin will take the left as our house is there. The Lachimolala Inn is on the right side. So we are going now. Bye~'

'Bye,' I said.

Y/N waved at us as I and Yoongi did the same before going to the Inn.

Going through the village area, we finally went to the Inn. After entering we could see that it was more than 100 years. Some old couches and chairs are kept in the lobby, near the fireplace.

Minimum 17 or 18 years old boy was walking with a bunch of towels. Maybe for the tourists who were staying here.

After noticing us he broke into a big smile before saying,

'Hi! I am kai, I saw you today when you were coming from the ship. Did you come here to stay in this Inn?'

'No, we are living in Aunt Jasmine's house in'

'Oh I know I know,' The boy named kai said making Yoongi shut his mouth as he usually gets pissed off when someone cuts him off when he is talking. 

'Umm is Hyunjin here?' I said.

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