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The breeze gently glided along the beach sometimes kicking up small amounts of sand and swirled around the pair of best friends perched on a large rock at the beach. It was at that time of the day where the sun was becoming drowsy and setting beyond the horizon, meaning that the sky was bursting with several shades of orange and pink. It was peaceful and calm. Even the ocean was slow swaying in a sort of hypnotic trance. Birds swooped to the ground or huddled on the ocean, bopping along with it. The old lighthouse stood just behind them, the white paint slowly peeling off of the sides.

The girl and boy that sat on the rock laughed together as they chatted about anything that came to mind. It was their favourite place to go after school or whenever they needed space away from the rest of the world. Hardly anyone else ever went there, probably because of the unsteady walk that was required to get there, and it was remote enough so they could happily be themselves. 

Sammy, whose butt had become numb on the hard surface, relaxed back into a laying down position. He placed his arms behind his head and a low chuckle rattled through his body as a smile crawled onto his lips. The last rays of the sun shone of the boulder they were placed on and the air around them began to cool down. His friend, Iris, sat beside him with her arms wrapped around her pulled up legs. Her long brown hair fell down around her back and shoulders, flowing freely in the slow wind.

"You're insane," Sammy laughed at Iris and shook his head.

Iris had been explaining her latest reoccurring dreams to her best friend, who thought they seemed silly. It was Peter Pan visiting her at her window and telling her amazing stories of his home, Neverland, just like in the story. She told him how real they felt and how, at one point, she believed it was actually happening. But then she would wake up to the sound of her alarm and only be disappointed, longing to be able to go back into her dream world. Reality just wasn't the same and it was no where near as perfect.

"What's wrong with that?" She asked him, raising an eyebrow and chuckling slightly.

"Nothing, it's just... well, Peter Pan? Really?" He asks raising an eyebrow. "It makes you sound like a six year old."

Iris shrugged and looked out onto the shimmering blue ocean, as it darkened with every second. It wasn't that she as such believed in the mischievous boy that never wanted to grow up, it was more that she so desperately wanted him to exist. If he did, it meant that he could come take her away from her life. While she loved Sammy and his family, all she really wanted was some freedom and to escape. Her whole body longed for it, in fact. She wanted to feel relaxed for once and to not have to fear or worry about going home. The only times she felt that way was in moments she shared alone with Sammy, but they couldn't last forever like they could on Neverland. She knew, with her whole heart, that going to that far away place where time stands still would be her only chance at true happiness. But, nothing ever went right for Iris.

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