"Chapter «6» ♡"

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The avian was startled awake as the crows swarmed his windows with news of approaching visitors. 

Sapnap! George and Sapnap!

They squawk out the words, all yelling over one another making it hard for the man to understand what they’re saying. 

“QUIET! Please! I can’t listen to all of you at once,” he turns and points to one of the many crows that now were lounging around his room, “You, what’s happening?”

The bird looks flustered to be called out, but after taking a moment to compose itself, it’s able to get out a rushed,

Sapnap and George are approaching the house. They look upset!

Philza sighs in relief. So he’s not being attacked. That’s good. Awful way to wake up, but good that he won’t have to kill anyone right now. But now a whole new issue is arising. 

“Does anyone know what they were upset about?”

It was silent in the room, with the exception of the occasional rustling of feathers. Finally, a small voice in the back piped up,

I heard them mention Dream and something about a necklace I think…

That makes sense. 

Phil knows exactly what necklace they’re talking about, it’s the first courting gift Techno had given to Dream. The admin must have had to go back to his base today and ran into his friends. They’re probably coming to ask him about that, it’s not a very well kept secret that Dream has been spending quite a bit of time in the tundra as of late, so they probably think he knows something. And well, he does know something but he’s gonna keep that pretty close to the chest. 

The whole situation with getting Dream and Techno to finally get together may make it seem like Philza can’t keep secrets, but he just likes the drama. Besides, it was about time those two stopped dancing around each other like they had been for months. But if it’s really important, something like knowing the Dream and Techno are mates, then the man is a sealed vault. Lock and key? Don’t need it. You’re not getting any information out of Philza Minecraft. 

As he went off on this tangent in his mind, Phil failed to realize that the pair had made it practically to his door. It was the squawking of the crows that finally alerted him to this fact. He hurried down the ladder to get to the door, opening it just as George raised his arm to knock. The shocked, and a little bit freaked out, faces that greeted him were well worth it. 

“What can I do for you boys?”

Philza was wrong. He was so wrong. 

The boys sitting in front of him weren’t trying to weasel answers out of him about who Dream’s mate was (Well maybe Sapnap tried a little at first, but George was quick to step in and remind him why they were really there). They were asking for advice about how to fix their relationship with Dream. Apparently Dream had kind of lost his cool with them when they pushed about the mate thing. Good for Dream, it was about time he spoke up about what he was feeling. Maybe Phil’s meddling helped Dream even more than intended. 

But now he has two grown men sitting on his couch, completely lost as to what they should do to show their friend that they messed up and missed him. 

Phil was slowly coming to the conclusion that he needed to take an extended vacation after all the drama died down. 

“Well lets see what he was upset about. He specifically said he was upset that you guys would only come to him when you needed something from him, and that you guys kept blowing him off. So what if you guys try visiting him just to spend time with him and make some plans with him where you don’t blow him off? And maybe talk to him guys, tell him all the stuff you just told me about how much you messed up and miss him?” Maybe Phil could go get a degree in therapy. Then he could start charging for these impromptu therapy sessions he seems to be giving out lately.

George and Sapnap looked at each other, nervous, before turning back to Phil, “Do you think that’ll work?”

Phil was so tired. He hasn’t been this tired since trying to raise Tommy.

“You boys aren’t just trying to make amends so that you can learn the identity of his mate, are you?”

Well Phil had to give credit where credit was due. The two sitting on his couch looked genuinely shocked and a little disgusted by Phil’s question. It seems like the two genuinely want Dream back as a friend. They then went on to tell Philza exactly that, though Sap added in some colorful language that would have Bad quite upset. 

The avian chuckled, raising a hand to calm the pair down, “Okay, okay. I just had to make sure. After all, Dream is a friend. But really, all I can recommend you do is apologize to him, try to rectify your past transgressions, and then wait for him to either reject the apology or accept it. That’s all I can think of. Now, get out of my house so I can take a long vacation from any and all drama. Thank you very much, don’t let the crows get you on your way out”

He stood, quickly ushering the boys from his couch out to his porch. Just as he’s about to close the door, George quickly throws his hand through the gap and pokes his head through, “Thanks again Phil, we know what we have to do now” Within a second the former king was gone from his line of sight as the door clicked shut. 

As George and Sapnap headed back towards the Greater SMP, Philza was pouring himself another cup of tea. 

“They better know what to do now, I practically wrote them a checklist”


Chapter «1» ♡ - √
Chapter «2» ♡ - √
Chapter «3» ♡ - √
Chapter «4» ♡ - √
Chapter «5» ♡ - √
Chapter «6» ♡ - 
Chapter «7» ♡ - ⟒⍀⍀⍜⍀, ⟒⍀⍀⍜⍀, ⟒⍀⍀⍜⍀
⏁⊑⟒ ⋏⟒⌖⏁ ⏁⍙⍜ ⎅⏃⊬⌇.

-10235 words~

Bye Nuggets ♡

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