"Chapter «14» ♡"

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Dream was exhausted. 

It had been about a week since his encounter with Schlatt and while he hadn’t ended up sending out that server wide message, he still wrote one out in case he ever needed it. But it had been an exhausting couple of days. It seemed like there was always someone who needed Dream to take a look at something or something he needed to attend to. 

It had been at least 5 days since he had seen Techno and it was really taking a toll on him. Not only did Dream feel like a rat on a wheel but he couldn’t even see his mate during it?! It was nothing short of a nightmare. Finally, Dream has enough. 

Once the sun starts to set over L’Mangerg, Dream heads off in the direction of his base, only to detour over to the nether portal. It’s not too long of a trek through the nether and through the tundra, but it feels like it takes years. All Dream can think about is Techno. Holding Techno. Kissing Techno. Just being near Techno. He just needs Techno right now. 

Finally, the lights of Techno’s house appear in the distance, making Dream pick up his pace a little bit. He can’t wait to see his mate, but he also needs to talk to him. Something Puffy had said to him a few weeks ago was still rattling around in his brain. He needed to tell Techno about his hybrid status and why he hides it…

Techno was not doing great right now. Dream’s been gone for more than a week and they haven’t been able to communicate other than short, hurried, communicator messages sent by his mate explaining why the admin couldn’t be with the hybrid. 

Techno’s been in his forge all evening, working on the next set of courting gifts for his mate. The first gift had been an exchange of jewelry to show that both parties were interested in courting, now the next three would be given by the piglin hybrid (or the pursuer if both parties are piglins), then the last one would also be an exchange by both parties. Techno’s second gift to Dream was to be a cape that would match Techno’s, though it was Dream’s favorite green color rather than red like Techno’s was. He had already sewn all the fabrics and furs together, now he was just working on the chain and all the metal and jeweled details. It was just about done, so now the piglin just needed to wait for his mate to come back. 

He had heard his communicator go off earlier, but was in the middle of forging the chain so he had decided he would check it later. Well, now it was later and the chain was finished so Techno ambled over to his communicator which was laying innocently on his table. He found there was a single message from Dream, sent nearly an hour ago. All it said was, “see you soon :)” 




Dream’s coming home?! 

Is this Dream’s home? 

Oh good we can give him the cape! 




The voices were going crazy. They had been pretty antsy without Dream, but now that they knew Dream was coming home they were over the moon. 

Oh gods, Dream was coming home! He would be here soon and the house was kind of a wreck! Techno instantly throws the communicator back onto the table and starts rushing around the living room, tossing books back onto the bookshelf and dishes into the sink. 

Just as he finishes his hurried clean up, a green figure makes its way up onto the porch. Techno swings the door open just as Dream reaches out to it, quickly scooping the smaller into his arms and lifting them off their feet. “You’ve been gone far too long my love” 

Dream just giggles and allows himself to be manhandled, his mask had been pulled off as he approached the door so he was able to press kisses to his mate’s face. The two stood there for a moment, Dream still off the ground, just enjoying being with each other again before Dream spoke up. “I know you’re basically a big space heater but it’s fucking freezing out here, can we please go inside love?” 

Techno feels a blush rise to his face. He tends to forget that his mate isn’t from the nether like he is, therefore he doesn’t run nearly as hot and the cold affects him quite a bit more. He quickly sets Dream down and herds him into the living room, to the couch right in front of the lit fireplace. He brushes the snow out of his mate’s hair and quickly begins trying to warm Dream up. 

Dream watches his mate with amusement, he’s plenty warm now but Techno fussing over him was just way too cute for him to tell them to stop. 


The cape! 


The gift! 

Give him the gift! 




Techno perks up, in his excitement he had completely forgotten about the cape! “Wait here, let me grab something” 

Dream doesn’t even have a moment to respond before Techno’s up and rushing off. Before long though, he comes back with a bundle in his hands. 

“Dream, I’m presenting you with my second courting gift if you’ll accept it…” he starts to unfold the cape in his hands, nervously rambling as he does so, “I know you already have a cape but this one matches mine and has all these gems an-” Techno’s suddenly cut off by soft lips pressing against his own. Dream’s soft lips. They stand like that for a moment before slowly breaking apart, looking at one another softly. 

Techno’s content, until he notices that something seems off with his mate. Dream’s eyes are full of love and admiration, but also nervousness and a bit of sadness. Techno feels the nerves tighten around his heart. Is this Dream trying to figure out how to say that he doesn’t accept the gift? Or even that he wants to break off the courting? Oh gods, if Dream breaks off the courting Techno doesn’t even know what he’ll do, he’s so in love with the admin in front of him. 

Dream seems to be able to read the uncertainty and fear on Techno’s face and is quick to reassure him. “I accept, of course I accept it. This is amazing, I love it, really. And I love you, I do. You’re never getting rid of me my love, I promise” 

Techno sighs in relief. “I love you too. But what’s the matter, love? I can read it all over your face that something’s bothering you” Techno sets the cape gently on the back of the couch, pulling Dream back down to sit. 

Dream sighs, raking his hand through his hair. “There’s something I need to tell you. Something about me. About my past…”


-1166 words

٩(ര̀ᴗര́)ᵇʸᵉ nuggets~

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