"Chapter «12» ♡"

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“Okay, this is how this is gonna go Gogy. We’re going to go in there. We’re going to go ‘Hey Dream, how’s it going?’ Then we’re going to hang out. Then we’ll all be friends again. Okay, do you understand the plan?” 

George needed new friends, that’s what he liked to tell himself. He loved Sapnap, but sometimes the man wasn’t the brightest. This was one of those situations. 

“That’s not going to work, Snapmap. We can’t just go in there pretending everything’s fine. Were you even listening to Philza? We need to apologize and tell Dream how much he means to us and ask him to forgive us.”

“Don’t call me that! That’s not my name!”

“ Oh I’m Sapnap, that’s not my name, blah blah blah ” George’s terrible American accent rang out over Sapnap’s protests.

That’s how a solid ten minutes passed. The two bickering between themselves while standing on the doorstep of Dream’s base. It had been about a week since they had last seen the man, but they hadn’t come up with any kind of solid plan. They mostly just bickered throughout the week like they were now. 

Finally, George sharply turned away from Sapnap, knocking sharply on the door. There was no answer. 

“Do you think he’s home right now?”

“I don’t know. What do we do?”

“How should I know? You were the one that…” 

The two descended back into their bickering, neither noticing Dream walking up towards the door. 

The admin stopped in his tracks when he saw the two bickering on his doorstep. His first thought was that there was some kind of conflict they needed him to intervene in, but as their bickering grew in volume he was able to gather that they were wanting to apologize to him. 

A warm feeling grew in his chest, the sight reminding him of the early days of the SMP. Back when it was just the three of them. A nostalgic feeling, a feeling full of love. He smiled broadly behind his mask, a smile that only widened when the two noticed his presence and startled a bit, having been so invested in their argument that they were completely oblivious to the world around them. 

“Dream! Just the man we were hoping to see!”

“Well this is my house after all…”

George’s cheeks flushed red, “Yes well, could we come in? We’d like to talk if that’s alright”

Dream simply shrugged, moving forward to enter through the door first, the other two following behind him like lost puppies. They settled at the table as Dream poured them each a glass of water. He was parched from the trek he had made through the nether that morning, and it would feel wrong pouring himself a glass without at least offering one to his guests. Once he was settled at the table and his mask was set aside, he looked expectantly at the two across from him. “What did you want to talk about?”

“You were right ab-”

“About everything. We’ve been terrible frien-”


“... miss you as our fri-”

The two hurriedly talking over one another, both eager to get the words out. It was beginning to give the Admin a headache. He set his glass down and interrupted the two.

“Let me see if I have this straight. You guys talked to Phil and he made you realize that you missed me and needed to apologize in an attempt to get our friendship back?”

The two shook their heads quickly, George speaking up to clear the timeline up a bit, “No no no, we realized we missed you and needed to apologize after our last conversation. Phila just helped to give us advice regarding how we should do it” Sapnap was nodding enthusiastically to George’s words.

“We miss you dude, and we miss our friendship with you. We realized almost instantly how badly we had messed up and how much that must have hurt you and we’re really really sorry dude. Please, forgive us…” Sapnap avoided making eye contact with the admin, instead taking big sips of his water. This was a lot of emotion to be expressing all at once. He wasn’t used to this kind of thing. 

Dream sighed, he was conflicted on what to do from here. “I don’t know if I can forgive you two right now, but I miss you too. You guys seem genuine about this, I’m willing to give you another chance. Maybe I’ll be able to forgive you one day, but I can’t give you that today…”

The two looked at each other, this was going better than they had anticipated. They had both fully expected to have the door slammed in their face and having to go home with their tails tucked between their legs. This was a much better outcome. 

“That’s even more than we could ask for right now”


-1109 words~

Bye Nuggets ♡

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