"Chapter «19» ♡"

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Quackity was not taking the news well. 


Sapnap looks between his fiancees, both who seem shocked at the news, “How did y’all not know this? He’s literally walking around wearing courting jewelry. What did you think it was?”

Karl seems satisfied by this, nodding in understanding. He knows he can be a bit unobservant at times, so it’s really not a surprise that he missed this. Besides, clearly Dream’s capable of love to some degree- after all, he and Fundy almost got married a few years back. So all in all this was a shock, but not surprising. 

Quackity was not having the same thought process at all. He had thought that Dream had just been trying, poorly, to cover up the scar from what Quackity had assumed to be a failed assasination attempt. But courting jewelry? Who could ever love a monster like Dream?

Sapnap did not react well when Quackity made his thoughts known. Sure, he and Dream had had a rocky relationship for the past year or so and if Quackity had made comments like this a few months ago, hell even a few weeks ago, Sapnap probably wouldn’t have spoken up. But that was his best friend. He was trying really hard to make amends with Dream and letting his fiancee talk shit about him behind his back just didn’t fit into that plan. 

Karl didn’t react very well to that either, though he was much quieter about his displeasure. He stood and silently bristled while Sapnap shouted. 

The fight that followed was the worst one anyone on the SMP had ever seen between the three of them. Flames erupted from Sapnap’s head and arms as his temper rose, Quackity’s weapon was fully unsheathed, and Karl raised his voice. It was all very dramatic. The fact that it was happening in the middle of the SMP wasn’t exactly helping. 

Dream was lounging in his base when his communicator started going off in rapid succession. It sounded like the whole SMP was trying to message him all at once. Once he glanced at the messages he realized he wasn’t that far off from the truth. Quite a few people were messaging him, some of the messages were so frantic they were practically gibberish but the message from George caught his eye. 

Need you ASAP. Quackity, Karl, and Sapnap are fighting in the middle of the street. It’s pretty ugly.

Dream wanted to roll his eyes so badly, he wanted so badly to send a message along the lines of, “Sapnap’s love life drama is none of my concern”, but something about the message stopped him. He just got a bad feeling from all of this. So instead he sent back:

How bad?

The response was almost instantaneous, as if George had their conversation already open. 

Karl’s yelling, Quackity waving his axe around, and Sapnap’s head and arms are fully engulfed in flames. 

Oh shit. It was bad bad then. Dream quickly began to scramble around for his weapon while simultaneously messaging George back. 

Message Bad, he can help Sap get back under control. I’m on my way. Send the coordinates and update me with whatever Bad says or if anything changes.

Maybe it’s a good thing Dream didn’t send out that big memo about lovers quarrels not being his problem. In general, they’re not. But in situations like this where they get dangerous to not only the involved parties but the SMP as a whole then they definitely are his problem. 

His sprint to the coordinates George had sent took far less time than anyone had anticipated, meaning the fight was still in full swing when he arrived. Sure enough, there they were just as George had described them. 

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