"Chapter «4» ♡"

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It had been almost a month since Dream had last been in the tundra. The last time either Techno or Phil had seen the admin was when he’d dropped the books into Phil’s arms before walking back into the woods, as if he was walking with a purpose. Those last words to Phil rang in his mind,

“I know what I need to do now”

Phil had told Techno what had happened and the two were able to talk over some of Techno’s own feelings. Phil didn’t really do much in that conversation, it was mostly just allowing Techno to say all his thoughts and feelings out loud as he was able to piece together his own feelings. Phil had noticed the sliver of a scar on Dreams neck, the remnants of their first talk. He felt bad about it, he didn’t think it would scar nearly as badly as it had. When he mentioned it to Techno the hybrid got really quiet before disappearing down into his forge for a while.

Phil would have been more concerned about Dream if he hadn’t heard snippets of rumors from the SMP about the admin’s weird antics over the past month. At least he knows he made it back home and that he wasn’t lying dead in the woods somewhere. He would be more concerned about Techno too if he didn’t have such insight to the inner workings of the hybrid’s mind. Phil was pretty sure he knew exactly what was going on with the two, but decided it was probably best if he kept out of it. He was content to watch from the sidelines. 

It had been just over a month when the crunch of snow underfoot alerted Techno that someone was making their way up to his porch. He stood at alert for a moment, but a flash of green caused him to relax a bit. Oh, it was just Dream.

Wait a minute.

His entire body tensed again. IT WAS DREAM!

Techno dashed down the ladder into his forge, quickly snatching up Dream’s cloak which was now wrapped around the project the hybrid had put everything he had into over the past month. He had just made it back to the living room and set down the bundle when a knock sounded from the door. Techno darted across the room, nearly tripping over his own feet with how frantic he was to get to the door. The door was thrown open and there was Dream, a small parcel in hand and his mask hanging from his wrist.

Techno instantly zeroed in on the gnarly, pale scar across the admin’s throat. Even though Techno knew the truth behind it, it sent chills down his spine. He quickly snapped out of his thoughts, focusing back on the man in front of him. “Dream, fancy seeing you here. Please, come in” He stepped back from the doorway, allowing Dream to shuffle his way inside, saying nothing but a sheepish, “thanks”

It was very odd. Techno can’t recall a time he’s ever seen the man in front of him acting like this. He knows he’s probably no better right now. They’re both awkwardly tiptoing around their feelings, but if today goes they way Techno thinks it will, they may not have to tiptoe much longer.

“It’s been a little while since you’ve come around this part, what can I do for you today?”

Dream walks over to the couch and sinks into the cushions, exhaustion evident on his face. “I heard you, you know”

Well that’s not what Techno was expecting right off the bat.

When he didn’t respond, Dream continued on, “That day that I was helping you after the battle. I heard you mumbling to the voices about me and mates. They want me as your mate, don’t they?”

Techno sighed, sinking onto the couch beside Dream. He could deny the man, say that it was unrelated or that he’d misheard, but he was tired of fighting with all these emotions. “Yes” That’s all he was able to say. He didn’t know what more he could say.

“What do you want though. Do you want me as your mate?”

Techno sighed, closing his eyes. This was easier if he didn’t look at him. “Yes” he whispers, “Do you even understand what that means for me? For hybrids like me?” He turned his head to look at the man sitting next to him. He was met with bright green eyes, staring deep into his own.

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