"Chapter «9» ♡"

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“Why are we going to see Philza?” Ranboo asked as the three of them trudged through the snow towards the home of the resident avian hybrid. 

“Because you said that you read that book that mentioned courting at his house, so he probably knows more. Besides, if anyone knows whether or not Dream and Techno are courting, it’s him.” Tubbo was quick to answer, running his hands up and down his arms in an attempt to warm himself up a bit. 

The first part made sense to Ranboo, but the second… “What does Techno have to do with anything?” 

Tubbo actually stopped in his tracks and turned to look at Ranboo with an incredulous look (He even pushed his bangs out of the way so that the ender hybrid could clearly see his eyes), “What do you mean what does Techno have to do with anything?! You’re the one that said the book you read was about piglins. Weren’t you implying that the two were courting?” 

Ranboo was shocked at this revelation, “What?! No! I thought it was relevant information about the book. I didn’t even think about that!” 

Tommy was practically jogging, out of anticipation or a desire to get out of the cold though was a mystery to the other two, so he stayed silent during their exchange, finally turning and shouting at them, “CAN WE PLEASE HURRY UP?! IT’S BLOODY COLD OUT HERE AND IT’S NICE AND WARM IN DADZA’S HOUSE, SO LET'S GET A MOVE ON'' He swiftly turned and continued his fast pace, the other two scrambling to catch up. The conversation was long forgotten in the snow. 

As Philza’s house came into view, the three could see the avian standing in the snow looking like he was in a very heated debate with one of his famous crows. “-not adopting a cat. You’re a bird, do you have any idea what a cat would do to- Oh hello boys” 

They had finally reached the base of the porch, shivering and panting. Phil was quick to rush them inside. “Cuppa?” he asks kindly, though nervous about why the three were here. It wasn’t uncommon for Ranboo to be in the area, he had a house up here after all. Tommy also wasn’t an odd sight, Philza had practically raised the boy. Tubbo however hadn’t been by in a few months and the three of them hadn’t come and visited as a group in who knows how long. If this had something to do with Dream and Techno, Philza thinks he might just scream. 

At the eager nods from all three, Phil quickly turned to put the kettle to boil. As the three boys settle at his kitchen table, he asks the fateful question, “What can I do for you boys?” 

The three look at one another, seemingly deciding who would talk. Tubbo finally speaks up, “Well it’s about Dream… and maybe Technobl-” 

He’s quickly cut off when Phil holds up a hand, a stiff smile plastered on his face. “Hold that though mate” The trio watches curiously as Phil calmly stands up, walks outside to the snow, and screams at the top of his lungs for longer than they would have thought he had the lung capacity for. Then, without another word the man turns, walks back inside, and sits back down at the table. “Okay, please. Continue.” 

Tubbo looks at Tommy with wide eyes that seemed to say “what the fuck just happened”, but at Tommy’s shrug that seemed just as confused, the small ram hybrid continues on. “Well we ran into Dream today and he was wearing what he called courting jewelry but he wouldn’t tell us who his mate was. Then he ran off. Ranboo remembered reading a book he found here that talked about mating rituals in piglins and that made us think that maybe Technoblade was involv-'' 

Ranboo pushed into the conversation, “I didn’t know that’s what I was implying, I didn’t even connect it to Techno! I was simply giving more information about the book!” 

Philza chuckled a bit at Ranboo’s interjection while Tubbo just gave Ranboo a bit of a side eye as he continued, “-ed, so we thought we would come and ask you!” 

The four of them sat in silence for a moment before the whistling of the kettle caused Phil to stand and pour each a seaming cup, offering a box of assorted tea bags for them to choose from. When all the tea had been sorted out and everyone had a bag he sat back down and just looked at the boys in front of him for a moment. “So what exactly are you asking me?” 

“Is Big D dating The Blade?” Tommy asked bluntly. He had expected more of a reaction from his almost father, but Phil simply kept a blank face and took a sip of his tea. 

“What are you planning to do with this information? Why do you want to know?” 

Well, they hadn’t thought of that. There wasn’t really a reason that the three wanted to know, it didn’t directly involve them or put anyone in any kind of danger, so whydid they want to know? 

“Curiosity I guess, Dream seemed super freaked out when we asked him about it so it got us curious…” Tubbo trailed off with a sip of his tea. 

“Well that’s not a good enough reason for me to tell you three anything.” Tommy opened his mouth to object, but Phil simply raised a hand up and silenced the boy, “No. This situation has nothing to do with any of you. Dream will tell you more information if he feels comfortable, but this is his own personal business between him and whoever his mate is, whether that is Techno or not. You will get no information out of me. Now I suggest you finish your tea and head back to L’Manberg to mind your own business. Good to see you boys, come visit again as long as you don’t come with the intention of prying into anyone else’s own personal business. You can see yourself out.” And with that the man stood with his cup before settling in a chair in front of the fireplace with a book. 

The three teens were left at the table with their cups and their guilt, for once completely silent. 


Chapter «1» ♡ - √
Chapter «2» ♡ - √
Chapter «3» ♡ - √
Chapter «4» ♡ - √
Chapter «5» ♡ - √
Chapter «6» ♡ -
Chapter «7» ♡- √
Chapter «8» ♡-
Chapter «9» ♡-
Chapter «10» ♡- ⟒⍀⍀⍜⍀, ⟒⍀⍀⍜⍀, ⟒⍀⍀⍜⍀
⏁⊑⟒ ⋏⟒⌖⏁ ⏁⍙⍜ ⎅⏃⊬⌇.

El próximo capítulo está centrado en Fundy ¡así que mantente atento a eso!

-972 words~

Bye Nuggets ♡

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