The whole family can't work. They are all waiting to eat ready-made food.

And after investigation, everyone knows that the living standard of this family was not bad in the past, especially Wang Yaozong, who was more elegant than the students in the town.

In a word, Wang Yongshun was charged with embezzlement of other people's estate.

He was sentenced to a reform-through-labour farm for four years.

Well, Wang Yongshun and Wang Yaozong are destined to work on the farm in the next few years, and they can't come back in a short time.

Even if he comes back, the composition of his family will be changed. It is destined that life will not be too good in the future.

As for Li Chunjuan, Li Chunjuan ran back to her mother's house long before the news came down, and there was no letter during this period.

Mrs. Xu patted her chest: "It's closed!"

Now she felt afraid. At first, she only thought that Wang Lingling could not behave, but now she has found that Wang Lingling's income does not do anything from her parents.

None of this family is decent. When a father's eyes are big and dark-hearted, his mother's confusion is vicious, but when he is a daughter, both sides have been inherited, and his heart is dark and confused. Wang Yaozong was a collector and successfully pitted the whole family in.

Now looking back at the past, Wang Yongshun's kind and honest faces were a little terrible. The man ate all Wang Ying's property without any hesitation, and even planned to send Wang Ying a family casually. There is no pressure to eat his brother's peerless house. It's not counted to eat the house. I also want someone to be a cow and horse for his family.

Now that he has retribution, it's a natural eye-opener.

Unfortunately, what Wang Ying got was still a little less than what she lost. Moreover, he was harshly called by Wang Yongshun's family in those two years, and he did not receive any compensation.

Wang Ying was already very satisfied. Although 500 yuan was defeated by Wang Yongshun, 100 of them were given to Xu Shuang, and the Wang family's house was also sold to her, which was not a loss.

She has been annoyed to live next to Wang Yongshun's family for a long time. Now it's better. Don't bother her anymore. Both sides are their own homes.

When the house is expanded and the yard is merged, the area of the house will be much larger. At that time, she plans to plant some flower herbs in the yard, plant two ridges of green onions, garlic peppers, and climb pumpkin and loofah grapevines on the courtyard wall.

Mrs. Xu was also very happy. She was about to move to the next door.

Wang Ying and Xu Shuang persuaded one by one, but she said vigorously, "It's just across a wall, and I'll hear it on the other side." Bring your feet over, and eat the meal together as usual without delay.

In fact, she also felt uncomfortable getting too close to the young people.

Although she didn't urge her, Mrs. Xu was still looking forward to having a grandson as soon as possible.

Wang Ying was not embarrassed to say that Xu Shuang picked up a package a few days ago, and her eyelids were jumping when the boss looked at it. The address shows that it was sent from the provincial capital. Wang Ying couldn't help thinking that Mrs. Xu's hopes have not been realized in recent years.

The disappearance of Wang Yongshun's family was not very strange in the eyes of the brigade.

After all, since Wang Ying opened the noise, the melons of the Wang family have been one after another. Now Wang Yongshun and Wang Yaozong have all entered, and it is also expected.

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