61. Simon

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"So you're supposed to be interviewed with Wille?" Rosh asked.

"Apparently that's what they're asking for. Wille told me I didn't have to, but he always says that when they ask me to do anything. I feel like it'll just make his life easier if I go along with it."

Simon, Rosh and Ayub were sitting in Simon's bedroom taking a break from video games on a Thursday evening.

"What, uh, are they going to ask you though? Like, what if they get really personal or something?" Ayub asked Simon then looked over at Rosh for confirmation of his concern for their friend. She gave him a knowing look.

"Umm, not sure. I don't think they will get too personal. We just can't get annoyed with them."

"It's so weird though, that people think they get to ask questions about you guys now." Rosh felt defensive of her friend.

"I know, but Wille's always had to deal with this stuff. I think I never really realised, like, how much he had to deal with."

Ayub looked from Rosh to Simon again. "So his mom is like, cool now? Like she's not so against Wille being out about being with you anymore?"

"Umm, she's started supporting him, even when the Royal Court doesn't."

"About time." Rosh added shortly, looking at Simon skeptically.

"His mom said that he needs to realise there's a difference between secret and private relationships. Like, we tell our friends and people we know that we're together, but it's no one else's business if we don't want it to be. She's afraid people will take advantage if he's too open about his personal life. But then the Court says they have to give the public what they're asking for to keep them happy too."

"Hmm. I just hope she's for real. She's always been sort of shady." Ayub answered.

"I know but she didn't think we should do the interview: the Court wanted us to. They've got agreements with different media outlets for exclusive access to the family. If the family cooperate, they'll report positive things about them. But, if they don't cooperate, the media outlets get pissed off and report negative things. It happens all the time."

"That sucks, man. Why do they have agreements like that?" Ayub looked baffled.

"I don't know. It's like they're expected to entertain the public in exchange for support I guess. And right now there's a lot of interest in Wille from everywhere."

Rosh gave him a skeptical look.

"I'm not saying I agree with it." Simon shrugged and picked up his controller to show his friends he was ready to get back to playing.

"So they want all the details of your personal life?"

Rosh looked at Ayub for backup again.

"I mean, whatever! I'm just doing it to make things easier for Wille." Simon was getting annoyed.

"Ok, sorry, nevermind. Just remember that everyone's gonna have an opinion about you guys, but they don't know anything about you really, so it doesn't mean anything." Rosh encouraged Simon.

"Thanks." Simon smirked at his friends and they resumed their game.


Simon and Linda arrived at the palace for only the second time since the Jubilee speech, and parked in nearly the same spot in the front drive.

There were more strange vehicles parked around. There was a news van and a couple of other cars.

This time Wilhelm wasn't waiting for them. Simon had sent him a message as they were approaching the house across the grounds but hadn't had a reply.

Simon shut his door and walked around the car to meet his mother. Linda had wanted to bring something for the Queen but Simon thought maybe not for an interview.

Now that Kristina seemed more open to the idea of their sons being together and was treating Wilhelm better, Linda wanted to invite her and her husband into their family as well.

Jan Olof had come out to meet them which surprised Simon but Linda was friendly as always, not realising who he was.

She assumed he was a regular servant and so felt more relaxed with him than she would have normally. He seemed put off by her easy manner of speaking to him. He was polite and welcomed them but did not have a welcoming presence as he led them in through the main doors.

Simon looked around hopefully for the only friendly face he knew there.

Simon and Linda finally arrived in the parlor they knew from their previous visit and saw all the action happening around them.

They finally spotted Wilhelm seated, having his hair done near a window and laughing with the stylist while his father sat nearby smiling at them. His mother was pacing in the doorway as she spoke on the phone. Jan Olof left Simon and his mother with Wilhelm and his father as he joined the Queen and they left the room.

"Good morning! How are you doing?" The duke stood up suddenly and stretched out his hand to Linda when he saw her approach with Simon.

She greeted him warmly and then he shook Simon's hand as well.

Wilhelm looked back to see Simon and his mother and smiled widely as he waved at them.


Simon approached Wilhelm in his chair.

"Looks good." He smiled.

"They have to do yours next, you know." Wilhelm smirked at him.

Simon was surprised but agreed. "Oh! Ok." The hair stylist looked amused as he finished Wilhelm's hair and waited as the boys greeted each other. Wilhelm approached Simon and stood in front of him, taking both of his hands in his own for a moment. The hair stylist held the chair for Simon to take a seat after Wilhelm released his boyfriend's hands.

Linda sat chatting and laughing with Wilhelm's father while Wilhelm smiled watching the stylist arrange Simon's curls.

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