18. Interview Preparation

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Wilhelm had been in meetings most of the morning with his mother, Jan Olof, Minou, Farima and two other employees of the Royal Court that seemed to be brand new because he'd never met them before. They were introduced to him as more public relations specialists, although he imagined they'd probably been hired for their expertise specifically in the area of LGBTQ+ relations based on the terminology they used.

It amused him the way the Royal Court thought they could just throw money at problems and spin them in a way that would be more palatable to the public. He also smiled to himself thinking that they saw him as a problem. Normally that would have bothered him, but lately he found it harder to take it personally or even take all of this seriously.

They had given him the questions he'd be asked in the interview at 3 pm, and had also given him the scripted answers they expected him to use.

He let them do his hair and makeup as he read over the script, slightly smirking to himself, knowing that he probably wouldn't say any of this because he didn't believe it.

"Kronprinsen, please follow the scripted answers as closely as possible. You can feel free to change some verbage to make it sound more natural, more like your own voice." Minou stood next to him looking over the script as he sat for the hair stylist holding his own copy.

"Yeah, as closely as I can...There are a few phrases I would change but it should be simple to do."

Minou seemed easily placated with that answer and he had to stop himself from smiling. Wilhelm noticed that the hair stylist seemed to be smiling to himself however.

Jan Olof came to debrief Wilhelm once the hair stylist had finished up.

"Kronprinsen, It's very important you reassure the Swedish people that the Royal Family will uphold the traditions that they've come to depend on. There are many older, more traditional, and influential citizens that we need to think about, because they are the ones that are the most loyal supporters of the Royal Family. We owe them that for their loyalty and we don't want to disappoint them. There's been concern about what might change because of your speech at the Jubilee and we need to let them know that this won't change anything in terms of succession specifically. They want to feel pride in the members of their Royal Family and in that image of a happy, conventional family that the Royal Family represents. They want to know that the Royal Family will continue on as always."

Wilhelm listened to Jan Olof maintaining a straight face in spite of how he felt about what he was hearing. The only response he could muster in his baffled state was a slight chin lift and an "Mmm..." as he looked Jan Olof in the eyes, narrowing his own and wondering if this old man could possibly believe all of this was normal or correct considering what Wilhelm had said in his speech about being authentic and honest from now on.

"Bra. Then I think that should do. Are you ready, Kronprinsen?" Jan Olof continued.

Wilhelm felt panic for a moment and looked over at his mother who was listening to Minou explain more logistics of the interview. He told himself that if she looked over at him now he would go over and warn her about what was coming since she clearly hadn't taken his Jubilee speech to heart either. He counted to three very slowly under his breath but she never looked up.

"Ehm, yes...Yes, I'm ready." He stood up and straightened his jacket, rebuttoning it. He thought about "the most loyal supporters of the Royal Family" and their expectations of an image of a "happy, conventional family" and he sighed. He then wondered "what about the rest of the Swedish people who have never seen themselves represented by the Royal Family?"...and he began his walk to the same sitting room where he'd denied being in the video with Simon. He gave one last look toward his mother off to one side with Minou, still listening closely but not paying any attention to Wilhelm, then he rounded the corner out of her view and was greeted warmly by Miss Rosenqvist. He stretched out his hand, returned the greeting and smiling openly. Then he took his seat opposite her.

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