3. Café

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Sara felt lost with nowhere to go. She couldn't stand the thought of going back to her mother's and having to explain what had gone wrong.

She had phoned the police on the bus back to Bjärstad but she only had an appointment to go make a report in person on Monday. She had only said she knew someone who had illegally filmed a friend of hers without their permission because she was afraid to be more specific over the phone as she road the bus.

Until Monday she didn't know where to go or what to do so she'd gotten off the bus in the middle of town and taken her luggage into a café where she'd been sipping the same cappuccino for about an hour if not more. She spent a long time staring out the window or into her cup, spacing out and thinking about what had become of everything she cared about in her life and what would happen if her mother found out. She didn't know for sure that Simon would tell her.

Several times she had to choke back tears as she realised she'd have to start all over again if it was even worth it and that she possibly wasn't meant to have friends or even be close to people considering how she'd treated Felice and her brother. It shocked even her how much she'd only thought of herself and her feelings at everyone else's expense, especially her brother's.

She'd chosen August over her brother who'd always been there to protect and worry about her whereas August had proven in the end that he wasn't capable of doing the right thing no matter how many chances she'd given him and no matter how much she'd loved him.

All these secrets she'd kept had ruined everything. She never used to keep secrets because she didn't see the point.

She also realised she'd never had any sympathy for people who gave too many chances to those who wronged them, like Simon or her mother, and maybe she'd been too harsh with them because she didn't understand how they'd felt until now.

She had a general detachment that meant she rarely got close to or felt affected by anyone, and had never been in love before August, so of course she couldn't have understood why her mother would give their father so many chances, or why Simon would give Wilhelm so many.

Unfortunately she understood too late and now they probably never wanted to speak to her again.

She stared out the window fighting back the urge to cry out of self pity when she noticed an expensive black car slow down and stop in the narrow street across from the café. The driver stepped out and she immediately recognized Wilhelm's female bodyguard who then walked to the rear driver's side door and opened it for the Crown Prince.

Wilhelm immediately headed for the café entrance, followed by his bodyguard. She didn't know how to react but had the reflex to hide.

They must have spotted her through the window while she was contemplating her horrible choices and she'd been too deep in thought to notice.

She scanned the café for another exit but couldn't find a quick path through, especially with her bags in tow. She slumped down in her seat awaiting her fate.

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