24. Royal Palace

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August had hardly slept since Saturday. The rest of the boys who had stayed over the weekend hung out between common areas and their rooms but August hadn't wanted to see anyone. He was nervous that they might ask questions he didn't want to answer, or notice a change in his demeanor that would give everything away.

On Tuesday morning it was overcast and he'd been awake since 4:30, so he decided to go for a long run, catch up on any classwork he hadn't finished, tidy his room, look at his social media and finally get showered and ready for class.

He'd seen Wilhelm's interview from Saturday and now he had a clue of what the Royal Court might want with him today. He still felt nervous and wasn't sure how he felt anymore.

There were differing opinions about the interview online, but the more conservative sources were not at all happy. In fact they all seemed to be having a near meltdown about Wilhelm's interview and what would happen to the succession to the Swedish throne if he didn't have children in a conventional way through a conventional marriage.

August suddenly thought about Sara and wished she still lived in the Manor House. If she were there and he hadn't been such a coward, they might still be together, but also, he could have talked to her about what was happening now. She had always really helped him to calm down and not worry so much. She had also given him good advice even if he'd been too scared to take it.

He went back to his room to rest when classes were done for the day but he still couldn't sleep. He'd managed to reduce the dose of medication but was still too anxious to feel sleepy anyway.

Jan Olof sent a message informing him the car was waiting for him and August grabbed his jacket and reluctantly headed downstairs.


Very much like the first time he'd been summoned to the Palace by the Queen, there was no explanation given, no pleasantries, and the few people he interacted with on the way in simply did their jobs, drove him there, and showed him the way through. He tried to ask Jan Olof what it was in regards to, although he had his suspicions, but Jan Olof just said the Queen would inform him.

As before, he was shown to her office and left alone with her. He took a seat as soon as she gave the order, but this time, he said nothing.

"I suppose you're wondering why we've called you to the Palace."

He didn't answer except to lift his chin expectantly.

"Well, you may have seen that Wilhelm's interview didn't go as we would have liked. I love my son no matter what, but the Royal Court isn't willing to take any chances of ending up without an heir to the throne, at least not an heir in the conventional sense. They're not willing to allow the image of the royal family to be changed so dramatically. We're supposed to be the example of traditional values for the country. As Wilhelm has become very headstrong on this point and doesn't appear to want to make any concessions, it looks like we may have to call in our backup plan, and sooner rather than later. Therefore, they would like to start preparing you more seriously for the role of Crown Prince."

August furrowed his brow. He was surprised that he didn't feel any sense of relief or joy considering he was being told something that he'd thought he'd wanted nearly forever. He felt angry.

"What if I said no?"

The Queen had clearly not expected this response and hesitated, her face becoming even more serious. "What's the problem, August?"

"Well, you said you'd always stand by your son and put him first."

The Queen looked confused and didn't immediately have a response. August took the opportunity to continue.

"As soon as he doesn't do what they want, you put me into his position. You don't even like me. I don't blame you, considering what I've done, I would hate me too, but this makes no sense."

"It's not about like or dislike, August. But you're still family, and most importantly, you're the next in line. Wilhelm seems to be doing everything he can to show us he doesn't want to be Crown Prince, so, we have to take measures to be sure that there will be a successor that people will accept."

"It doesn't seem like family is important at all in fact. My family wasn't important to you." August felt anxious but also strangely detached as if none of this really affected him.

The Queen frowned severely as if she were challenging August to say more but she didn't respond to his accusation.

"It's like you're turning your back on your son the way you turned your back on my father." He hesitated, gathering the courage to tell her everything he thought about how she'd treated his family. "He needed your help and you let the Court convince you to abandon him just like you're doing with Wilhelm." He caught himself, too scared to continue.

This time she responded straight away. "As for Wilhelm, I love my son unconditionally, but he may simply not be cut out for this role....Now, what exactly do you think you understand about what happened with your father?" She glared at him but didn't raise her voice.

"I still don't understand. If you were so close to my father, why did you care more about your image? Didn't you care at all what would happen to him?"

He remembered what Rickard had said in the car about the drug addiction being an excuse to put distance between them. "What did my father do that was so wrong?" August felt as if he would hyperventilate if he didn't calm down soon. He was angry and distraught and didn't care how he sounded anymore. "I don't want your crown..." He paused, feeling his voice crack.

"...I want my father back..." August grimaced as if he were in physical pain as he said it.

The Queen's expression suddenly changed. She didn't seem angry anymore. She seemed regretful.

"Nothing. He didn't do anything wrong, August." She gave him a moment, then suddenly offered him a much kinder expression.

"He was my favorite person from the time we were kids. I loved him very much, and he loved me very much as well...so the Royal Court wanted to put distance between us."

August stayed silent, mouth slightly open and brow furrowed, scrutinizing her face and searching for meaning, trying to be sure he had understood what she'd said.

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