12. Monday

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Although there were several empty seats, Wilhelm headed straight to the chair next to Simon. Simon even smiled slyly and patted the seat jokingly, inviting Wilhelm to sit down. Wilhelm smilef at this gesture and bit his lower lip as he set his books on the desk and sat down next to Simon, sliding the chair closer to him as he did.

"Hur mår du?" Wilhelm asked, looking at Simon, unable to stop smiling.

"Bra. Hur mår du?" Simon had the same problem.

"Bra." Wilhelm nodded as he looked at Simon, sighing contentedly. He licked his lips as he looked at Simon's eyes then moved his gaze down to Simon's lips. He forced himself to look forward as Simon continuef looking him up and down, smirking slyly. Simon finally faced forward too, also licking his lips as he did so. Simon caught a couple of their classmates in front of them, who were sat next to each other, looking back at the boys, and Simon smiled widely and lifted his eyebrows quizzically at them, inviting them to say something. They both quickly turned back around and snickered to each other. Simon was not just unbothered, he felt proud.

Simon suddenly felt Wilhelm rest his hand on the edge of his own chair. Their chairs were close enough at this point that Simon could feel the warmth from Wilhelm's hand next to his thigh. Simon shifted slightly and put his own hand on the edge of his chair next to Wilhelm's so that their fingers brushed against each other. They overlapped their fingers and both smiled contentedly without looking at the other, pretending to concentrate on their books.


Wilhelm followed just behind Simon into the dining room at lunch hour. He sat next to Simon rather than opposite him as they had done up to that point. There was a joyous energy coming from both of them that the other boys were noticing, especially Henry and Walter who looked at them then gave each other knowing glances with raised eyebrows.
Vincent had also noticed the energy shift from down his end of the table, observing their behavior closely and smiling spitefully at them. August was subdued and avoiding eye contact with the majority of his schoolmates, but especially with Wilhelm.

Once everyone had served themselves and they'd just begun to eat, Vincent lifted his knife and loudly tapped it against his glass, summoning everyone's attention as he stood.

"Well, I think one of us, or maybe more, have some stories to share with the rest of the House." He began to rhythmically thump the table and a majority of the others soon followef suit without thinking.
Then the chant begsn: "Wille på bordet! Wille på bordet!..."

Wilhelm and Simon looked at each other shocked at Vincent's stupidity. Wilhelm dropped his cutlery on his plate with a loud clatter, stood up, pushed back his chair roughly and spoke to Vincent in a controlled tone, but there was a burning rage just under the surface.

"Are you serious, Vincent?"

The chant quickly stopped and the boys sat in silence watching the interaction with wide eyes, glancing around at each other, nervous and excited, wondering what was coming.

"We're all equals here. Everyone has to share. Maybe you'd like Simon to tell us the story instead?"

"What's the point?? It's ridiculous, if everyone's seen the video and I even admitted it on TV? What more do you want??"

"We all have to participate and keep the traditions alive. We need more details." Vincent insisted, looking around at his housemates for support that didn't quite come.

Wilhelm furrowed his brow and scrutinized Vincent's face wondering what his motivation must be, but he couldn't imagine at that point.

"Just because you're the Crown Prince that doesn't mean you're exempt." Vincent was smiling maliciously like a child who'd just gotten away with something naughty.

"That's just it. We don't have to do anything you say. You use this fucking "tradition" to humiliate people and use their private lives against them. But it won't work with me anymore! Everyone knows everything!" He gestured his hands exasperatedly around him as he spokr, getting more and more heated as he went.

"You seem to forget that these traditions give us a sense of unity and bond us together. I'm just trying to make sure everyone feels they belong." he gave a smug grin and raised an eyebrow, clearly not meaning a word of it.

Simon had been seated next to Wilhelm, feeling mortified, grasping tightly to his knife and fork, looking down at his plate and giving furtive glances around the table and up at Wilhelm from time to time. Suddenly he felt angry. Everyone should feel they belong? Really? He released his cutlery silently onto the tablecloth and pushed his chair out quietly as he stood next to Wilhelm, looking at Vincent who seemed suddenly surprised and less smug. Wilhelm glanced beside him at Simon and seemed ashamed of himself, as if he'd done something wrong or had somehow subjected Simon to this humiliation. He bit his lip and looked tormented for a moment and as if he might cry out of frustration.

Simon contemplated, then steadied himself with the back of his chair and stepped up onto it slowly and carefully, turning himself to face the rest of the table.

"What do you want to know, Vincent? You already know we were filmed in a sex tape that got released online. Maybe you didn't know it was done by someone in this room? Is that fun? Is it a joke? Does that make us feel like we belong? That person hasn't had any consequences for it yet. If I were you (he gestures at the room) I'd watch my back and be careful who you consider a friend or a brother in this group. Anything else you want to know? (Without leaving him time to respond) No? Good."

Simon stepped down, steadying himself slightly on the back of his chair again and looking at Wilhelm who is amazed and smiles at him. Simon motions to Wilhelm with his head toward the door and turns to leave. Wilhelm follows behind and neither of them look back as they walk out. Wilhelm can't hold back the smile as he follows his boyfriend out of the room hurriedly, suddenly swelling with pride for him.

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