6. Felice

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Felice looks around her room at the lonely bed that Sara used to occupy.
She's been trying to concentrate on a movie for the last hour but hasn't had any success. She hates the feeling of sitting around and waiting when she knows her friends are going through so much shit because of August, and Sara. The sun has almost completely set. Felice decides she has to try and help somehow.

She grabs a hoodie and sticks on some running shoes, then grabs her phone and shoves it in her pocket clasping her hand around it as she slinks out of her room as quietly as possible. She sneaks out into the corridor and is glad to see there isn't much commotion, although dinner should be served soon.

She moves with a mission. She practically tiptoes outside to view the windows of the boys' dormitory from the treeline rather than getting too close to be visible to the occupants.
She knows which window to look for and sees a dim lamplight glowing inside.

She sneaks back inside and moves as stealthily as possible, then casually looks at her phone and slows down if she hears anyone coming, greeting them as they pass but then quickening her pace again once they've gone.

She gets to the end of the hallway, pressing her ear against the door where she hears faint movement but it's quite clear it's from only one person inside. She hears the sink go for a moment and quietly steps to the left of the door. She reaches over and knocks quietly, standing still off to the side while she does.

"Vem är det?"

She waits without making a noise.

"Vem är det?!" comes again, louder this time, and slightly annoyed. She waits.

As soon as she hears the doorknob turn she whips around the corner, pushing the door inward as hard as she can, and forces her way into the little room. There's a gasp and a thud as August is knocked backwards onto his ass. He grunts in pain and looks up at her with his eyes wide and mouth gaping open in shock. "Vad fan...??"
Felice moves quickly to shut the door and locks it quietly.

"We need to talk."

Season 3 Young Royals (Version 1)Where stories live. Discover now