5. Sara and Wilhelm

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Wilhelm sat down across from Sara and tried to keep his expression as neutral as possible. He didn't want to upset her and didn't know Simon's sister well enough to be sure of how to go about that. Considering how she'd behaved this term, it was clear that she and her brother had even less in common than he'd imagined.

"Are you sure you want to quit school?" Wilhelm began as he looked at her backpacks and suitcase around her.

"Felice hates me and so do all of the other girls. Why would I go back there?" Sara stated matter-of-factly, although her eyes appeared red.

"I think Felice will forgive you. She's understanding. She forgave me." Wilhelm looked around momentarily and realised several other customers. were glancing over, trying to be discreet but failing. He came to the quick conclusion that this conversation couldn't last long or they'd draw a crowd. Sara hadn't seemed to take any notice at all.

"Maybe...but the others won't, and Simon won't."

"I think he will too. We both let him down. I thought my reason not to tell him about August was good but I was wrong. You have to give Simon the time and opportunity to forgive you. He's your brother. He will one day but you have to spend time earning back his trust. I have to as well actually." There was a long pause where Sara didn't seem to realise she should speak, so Wilhelm got to the point. "What was your message to Simon about?"

"I called the police to report August."

Wilhelm became wide eyed and looked over his shoulder to make sure Malin hadn't heard anything. "Oh... Are they going to arrest him or investigate or...?" Wilhelm was sure she could sense how fearful he was.

"I didn't want to say who it was over the phone so they didn't seem to think it was urgent. I'm going in on Monday to report it in person. I thought I should probably talk to Simon about it first too."

"So they haven't got anyone's name on record yet?"

"No." Sara wondered why Wilhelm seemed scared that she would report August since he hated him so much. She hadn't really understood why he hadn't reported him when he found out from Felice. She remembered reading in Felice's phone that Wilhelm's family already knew and hadn't planned on doing anything to August. "Why didn't you report him when you found out?"

"My mother already knew and hadn't told me because she wanted to make sure I denied being in the video first. Then she told me I had to continue denying it so then I couldn't go and report August. She also told me the Royal Court would protect him in order to protect themselves. Which apparently doesn't include protecting me so even if August did get reported, he'd probably get away with it, thanks to the Royal Court... Not that it's a competition, but my family is way worse than yours, just so you know." He gave her a half smile, unsure if she'd think it was funny.

"Maybe." Sara didn't smile much but seemed to get it was an attempt at a joke.

"Hey Sara, I need to tell you something important, that my bodyguards can't hear because I don't know if they might tell my mother, just in case."

"Ok." Sara felt nervous that it might be a secret she shouldn't keep but agreed anyway.

Wilhelm lowered his voice and leaned forward to Sara. "August is blackmailing us. If we report him he's going to say that someone else filmed us using his phone, and that he has no idea who uploaded it since we can only prove it was filmed with his phone. Then he also plans to get Simon in trouble, and we don't want that, at least not until we can figure out a better plan."

Sara looked confused. She wondered how August would claim he hadn't uploaded the video when she had seen him on Lucia night at the computer with his phone, but she also wondered "What's he blackmailing you with?"

Wilhelm hadn't had time to consider how this part should be handled so he delayed answering her. "I think you and Simon should talk about it once you get home. It's nothing as serious as what August did but it's not great, and it could ruin Simon's school standing if August reports it." Sara hesitated for a moment and then nodded.

"Can we give you a ride home...or back to school? I think your mom is really worried actually so we should probably go there first at least."

"Does she know everything already??" Sara felt panicked and couldn't stand having to face her mother and seeing the disappointment.

"No no! Simon just asked her if you were home when you didn't answer him so now she's worried that he didn't know where you were, and we actually need to get to your house as fast as possible so she doesn't call the police I think."

"Oh... I'm just not sure what to tell her about school."

"She doesn't need to know everything and she also seems really understanding so I don't think she'd force you to tell her..." Wilhelm shrugged slightly. He needed to move this along but was running out of time and patience trying to convince her. "We're a ten minute drive from your mom's place. Can I help you with your suitcase and a backpack? Your mom and Simon just need to know you're ok first of all. You can deal with the rest later." Sara agreed to let him help as she handed him her smaller backpack and let him pick up her suitcase. She realised that several people were staring their direction as she finally lifted her head and looked around before standing up.

"Wille, do people always stare this much when you go out?" Sara was surprised.

"Not usually this much. I think people are particularly intrigued today though."

"Because of the Jubilee? I didn't think people cared that much about it."

Wilhelm turned and scrutinized Sara's face for a moment, holding her backpack over his shoulder and grasping the handle of her suitcase, he even furrowed his brow trying to figure out if she really thought it wasn't a big deal he'd admitted being in a sex tape with her brother....or if she hadn't actually heard...somehow.

"Did you hear my speech today by any chance?"

"No, why would I? I've been on the bus and sitting here since the Jubilee started."

Wilhelm stared blankly at her for a moment then bit his lip and lifted an eyebrow contemplating, and fully amused that she may have been the last person in Sweden to hear this news. He decided not to tell her. It was funnier this way.

"Ok. I think it went pretty well personally. It might be online somewhere if you want to see it later."

Sara nodded her head and paid no more mind to his comments. He checked her expression as they got up to leave, him pulling her suitcase and carrying her backpack over one shoulder, just to see if she was the one playing a joke on him, but she clearly wasn't. He smirked as they walked out the door, followed closely by Malin, then crossed the street toward the car.

He saw more people recognizing him and thought it must be funny that he was carrying someone else's bags which also amused him. At the car, he left the suitcase at the trunk for Malin and handed her the backpack so she could load them into the car.

It occurred to Wilhelm he hadn't exactly specified to Sara that her brother was in the car waiting for them. In addition, he could see more people stopping to stare on the sidewalk and didn't want to give them a view of Simon inside in order to protect his privacy. Luckily his other bodyguard put himself in a position to block the view of the inside of the car as he opened the door for Wilhelm and Sara. Wilhelm sat between Simon and his sister. Wilhelm's bodyguard closed the car door and walked around to sit in the passenger's seat as Malin got back in to the driver's seat. As soon as Malin climbed in Wilhelm told her to head to Simon's house again. Simon and Sara hadn't spoken a word to each other but Simon felt sudden relief that his sister was ok and gratitude toward Wille that he was able to convince her to come, but he couldn't avoid the panic that was overtaking him that he might be a convicted drug dealer soon, destroying any opportunities for his future.
Wilhelm felt how tense Simon had gotten next to him. He turned to look at Simon, hoping he could read in his expression that they were still ok. He put his hand on Simon's and smiled to help emphasize his point. Simon was confused momentarily but smiled back as Wille's smile calmed him. His face flushed and he felt warm and safe next to Wille.
Sara stared out her window and said nothing.

Season 3 Young Royals (Version 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن