55. We can't choose who we're born as...

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Simon saw the look on Wilhelm's face and immediately knew it was serious as he walked into class that morning.

He'd messaged Simon last night telling him how they'd sent the bodyguards back to Forest Ridge because they'd been seen out at the cinema and everything that had happened since.

Wilhelm sat down next to Simon and gave him a sad look, then sighed. He whispered to Simon as they waited for Mr. Englund to arrive.

"They're looking for the letters in my room now. She might really pull me out of school if I don't give them over."

"You literally can't though." Simon whispered back.

"I know, but what if they pull me out?"

"You told him what's going on, right? Tell him to send them to the press."

"And then what? I'm not even sure what else she might do..."

"Have him negotiate with the Court?"

"Yeah...I'll message him now."


Class let out. Wilhelm and Simon started heading to their next class with Malin following closely behind. Wilhelm checked his messages as they walked and saw a long one from Rickard.

"They're moving the guards back to the gatehouse, but you can't leave school grounds without security, they said. I'm not releasing anything now. They know it's a possibility though. They've threatened to sue, of course.
Although it's technically illegal to print personal letters without permission, in my opinion they're unlikely to sue because they'll just want it to go away.
Besides that, ownership of the letters doesn't default to your mother. She sent them to Carl Johan but they're not signed, so we have plausible deniability there. The true owner would be Carl Johan, then August as he's the surviving heir, and August gifted them to you, so there's a few degrees of protection there in terms of ownership.
The most important thing is she'll want to avoid their release and then sweep it under the rug as quickly as possible if they do get out, so she'd never sue.
In the meantime, you're free to move around the grounds but leaving without guards isn't allowed...yet. I'll work on it."

Wilhelm sent him a short reply "thank you", smiled hesitantly and stopped where he was. Simon stopped with him, concerned.

"What's going on, Wille?"

Wilhelm turned to his bodyguard first and said with no aggression or malice, "Malin, you should check your messages. You're both going back to the gatehouse."

Malin looked surprised but took out her phone quickly and saw the message. She nodded at Wilhelm, "Kronprinsen," and walked away.

Wilhelm then turned to Simon, "Come on. Let's go and I'll explain." He offered his hand. Simon accepted it but looked around as a reflex as he did. Then he smiled at Wilhelm before allowing him to lead the way forward.


That afternoon, Wilhelm went back to his room with Simon and looked around to see his belongings all slightly shifted and in some cases completely relocated about the room.

"I thought Jan Olof might still be here. Should probably check he's not hiding under the bed..." Simon chuckled at Wilhelm.

Simon went to Wilhelm's desk and touched his frog prince's head again.

"So, is this you? You're the frog prince?"

"Mmm, I guess so?" Wilhelm chuckled.

"When do you turn back into a real prince?" Simon teased.

"Mmm, maybe I don't. Maybe I turn into a normal person?" He raised his eyebrows almost hopefully and gave an ironic half smile.

Simon looked back at the frog and twisted his mouth as he pondered what Wilhelm had said.

Wilhelm looked at Simon and felt sad and almost ashamed that he was the reason Simon didn't have a normal life anymore.

"Do you want to meet my nephew with me?" he asked.


That Friday Wilhelm had his bodyguards take he and Simon to Simon's house after classes let out. Once they'd arrived, Wilhelm spoke to the bodyguards.

"We're going inside but you can stay out here or check around the building. You don't need to come in with us this time."

Simon knew what Wilhelm really meant was closer to "DO NOT come in with us." He noticed the bodyguards look at each other questioningly and then seem to accept it for lack of a better idea.

They walked the boys to the door where Linda welcomed them in, only opening the door about halfway. She smiled at Malin as she quickly closed the door behind the boys.

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