23. Simon and Wilhelm

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Wilhelm arrived at Simon's house that afternoon still feeling nervous that he'd just made certain that August would become Crown Prince. He wasn't sure how to feel about it. Had it been anyone else, he thought he would have felt relief probably, to not have these responsibilities and this pressure to keep up appearances, to be able to live a normal life. But this....August really was the worst person in the world.

Simon opened the door right away and let Wilhelm in. He seemed to sense that Wilhelm was tense so once he'd put away his coat, Simon reached out to hug Wilhelm. Then he wrapped his fingers around the nape of Wilhelm's neck and they softly pressed their foreheads together. They stayed that way for a few moments and Simon kissed Wilhelm.
Wilhelm felt himself relax as he smiled back at Simon.

"Nervous about being on TV?" Simon asked once they'd let go of each other.

"Nervous, but not about that. I think they're really going to make August Crown Prince...because of my interview." Wilhelm still found the possibility shocking and it showed on his face.

Simon led Wilhelm by the hand to the living room to sit on the sofa.

"But, what exactly did you say in the interview that would make them do that?" Simon asked as they sat next to each other on the sofa.

"Um, just the truth. After my speech I thought they wouldn't be surprised about how I really feel about this stuff, ya know?"

Simon reached out and took Wilhelm's hand and grabbed the remote with the other. "Let's just see what scared them so much." Simon seemed amused. "I hope they're not really considering August, but maybe that just means I have to report him now so that doesn't happen...if you're ok with being Crown Prince that is."

Suddenly he became serious again, thinking about how it would change everything for his family, and would really mean Wille was stuck for good. He turned on the TV and flipped through the channels, finally finding a news channel that was about to broadcast Wille's interview in twenty minutes' time. Simon leaned over and kissed Wilhelm's cheek, then pulled him over to rest his head on Simon's lap so be could caress his hair while they waited. Simon smiled down at Wille as Wille closed his eyes, finally relaxing and not worrying about about August for a moment. Simon leaned down to kiss Wilhelm's lips while his eyes were closed which made Wilhelm smile, keeping them closed. He nearly fell asleep before the interview came on Once the news anchor announced the interview, Wilhelm sat up but moved close to Simon to cuddle with him.

Miss Rosenqvist had filmed a sort of introduction to the interview before Wilhelm had arrived where she explained that after the Crown Prince's speech at his school's Jubilee, the interest in his personal life had exploded and she was going to attempt to find out what exactly this would mean for the future of the Royal Family, and the country.

"So dramatic." Simon laughed and Wilhelm smiled at him.

Rosenqvist: "How do you feel after your admission in your speech at the Jubilee?"

Wilhelm: "I feel really relieved, mostly. I hated having to lie, not just about the video, but having to pretend that I had no relationship with that person when I care about him very much."

R: "You care about him very much?"

W: "Mmm, well, it's more than that obviously... I...I love him." Wilhelm watched himself blush on television and started to cringe and blush again trying to hide his face as he sat next to Simon. Simon looked over and smiled at him with his mouth open, not able to speak. After a moment...

"Did you...just say you love me on national television?" Simon teased Wilhelm and laughed. Wilhelm leaned forward and buried his face in Simon's chest who laughed even harder. "Yessss." Was Wilhelm's muffled response as he cringed through his whole body.

They watched the rest of the interview with Wilhelm going through various stages of embarrassment, unable to sit still, going from hiding his face to cringing openly.

Finally, they watched Wilhelm's last response of the interview.

W: "I would say...that it's my life and I should be allowed to live it in a way that makes me happy, as long as I'm not hurting anyone else, and I don't think I am."

R: "I think that's the best thing that a parent could want for their child. It's also what everyone wants, don't you think, Kronprinsen?

W: "I think so, yes."

R: "Thank you very much, Kronprinsen, for your time. I wish you the best."

W: "Thank you, Miss Rosenqvist."

Once it had finished, Simon couldn't stop smiling at Wilhelm.

"I really liked it...especially the end, that you should be able to live your own life and be happy. I loved that."

"Thanks, Simon."

"I mean, I understand why the Court isn't happy about it but you told the truth... you know, maybe it doesn't matter if August is Crown Prince...as long as you can live how you want and be happy." Wilhelm smiled at Simon but it was a melancholy smile.

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