Chapter 5: On The Run

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Cara rushes out through the back door. She looks up and down the street, but doesn't see Rev. All she sees are the market stalls, the people working in them, and their customers. The sheriff walks up to the nearest vendor, an old man with a rude expression. She shows him her sheriff's badge.

      "Did you see a woman run past here? She's in her mid 20s, blonde, beige jacket?"

The vendor is too stunned to speak. Instead, he just points to a sign hanging on the street corner. The sign has an arrow pointing left down the street, and it reads: Ship docks.

Cara thanks the man and sets off running.

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The ship door opens up easily after Rev fiddles with some cables. She looks around her shoulder to make sure no one is watching. The coast is clear. Silently, she crouches down and enters the ship.

      The cockpit of the transport ship lays like an open book before Rev's thieving hands. She bends down under the controlls and rips out the cables. Cutting one cable here, changing places with two cables there, and soon the ship whirs pleasingly awake.

      That was easy, she says to herself.

She takes a seat in the captain's chair and starts pressing the buttons to initiate the launch sequence. The ship is ready to launch and Rev reaches for the accelerator, when suddenly, something cold is pressed against the back of her head. The cold metal barrel of a blaster.

      "I told you I would always find you."

Cara whispers behind Rev. Her voice makes Rev shiver, but in a pleasant way.

      "Fine, you caught me. Can you blame me for trying?"

Rev pulls the accelerator and the ship starts lifting off the ground. Cara stumbles, but regains her footing. She moves towards Rev, who tilts the steering wheel, causing the entire ship to lean to the side. Rev flies out of the captains chair and Cara smashes in to the wall. Dizzily, Rev tries to stand up, when a fist comes towards her face. It lands with a devastating blow, but Rev quickly recovers and puts her arms up to protect her face. This time Rev isn't sore from a recent fight, she is ready. Cara sends punch after punch at Rev, and she blocks most of them. Rev finds a window and elbows the sheriff in her face. She staggers and Rev kicks her in the stomach, sending Cara out of the cockpit and in to the back of the ship. Rev sits down in the captains chair and starts pressing buttons to activate the launch sequence. The ship steadies and starts lifting straight up. A blaster bolt is fired and hits the controls. Rev turns around and sees Cara standing with her blaster drawn.The dashboard crackles and hisses and sparks fly from it. Everything goes quiet and dark, and the ship suddenly drops back down to the ground. It lands with a loud crash, Rev and Cara both hit the ceiling and then smack down hard on the metal floor of the ship. Rev can barely move. She sees Cara coming closer and tries to crawl away. Cara stops her with her boot and straddles Rev. She uses one of her big muscly arms to pin both of Rev's arms to the metal floor. She uses her other hand to point the blaster at Rev's face. They stare at eachother, both panting.

      "If you want to be this close to me, you could just ask nicely baby girl."

Rev gives Cara a deadly stare.

      "I would literally rather kiss a womp rat than be this close to you, sheriff!"

      "Then why do you keep getting into fights with me?"

      "Because you leave me no choice!"

Cara laughs. Something falls out of Rev's pocket and lands on the floor. It's the gold ring with the sapphire. Cara grabs it and puts it in her pocket.

      "You found the ring! So you did one thing right, at least."

Rev rolls her eyes.

      "Well, now that you got that escape attempt out of your system, ready to head back to work?"

      "Yes, sheriff."

Cara releases Rev and stands up, Rev sits up and feels a sharp sting on her neck.

      "Ow! What was that?!"

      "Insurance. I put a tracker under your skin in case you try something like this again. And here's the fun part; if you try to remove it, it'll kill you."

"So fun..."

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