Chapter 13: Old Habits Die Hard

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One year later

"Come on Rev! You know I didn't start the fight. Cut me some slack, for old times sake."

      "You think I'm blind, Zoree? I saw you pull out your blaster and shoot a hole in his house with my very own eyes! And don't call me Rev, it's undersheriff these days."

Rev leads the rodian in to an empty cell in the police station and removes the handcuffs from him.

      "You're no fun these days, undersheriff."

At that moment, Cara walks through the door. Rev looks at her and they smile at eachother. She turns back to Zoree.

      "Oh trust me old friend, I'm having a lot of fun these days."

She laughs while locking the cell door, and then she walks in to Cara's office.

      Cara sits behind the desk in her office, cleaning her blaster. The room is sparse with just two bookshelves, a desk cluttered with documents, and two chairs in front of the desk. Rev sits down in one of the chairs in front of the desk.

      "You're doing really well, undersheriff."

      "Thank you, sheriff."

Cara puts her blaster on the table and walks around the desk. She stops in front of Rev, leans forward, and puts her hands on the back of Rev's chair. Locking Rev inbetween her muscly arms.

      "I knew you'd make a good undersheriff."

      "Oh yeah? How come?"

      "Because I already know you like being under me."

They both laugh. Cara leans forward, Rev puts her hands on Cara's face, and they kiss.

✴ ✴ ✴

One week later

The sky is dark and the moon is high when Cara comes home later than usual that night. She unlocks the door and walks in, ready to apologize to Rev for working so late.

      "Rev! I'm home. Sorry for being late, there was some work I just couldn't leave for tomorrow. Rev?"

She gets no response, no one is home. As Cara sets down her bag on the floor she sees a paper poking out from under the shoe rack. She pulls it out. It's a flyer, she starts reading it.

      Back in action! Tonight, the infamous Rev Dremy is back in the game, and she is ready to take on anyone stupid enough to fight her. Location: The abandoned garage on the outskirts of town. Password: sheriff.

"That sneaky little..."

✴ ✴ ✴

The ring set up in the old garage shakes as Rev jumps up and down on it, hyping herself up for her next fight. She has already defeated three opponents tonight. The bandaged up losers now sit in the audience looking angry and hoping that someone will defeat Rev Dremy. Rev smiles smugly at them, they all stare her down.

      The announcer jumps in to the ring with his microphone.

      "Alright everybody! Rev Dremy remains undefeated, but that might change in this next match. We have a newcomer! This mountain of muscle will be a tough opponent for Dremy. A war veteran originally from Alderaan, with arms like tree trunks and fists of steel. Please welcome the newcomer to the ring!"

The crowd cheers. A hooded figure emerges and moves through the crowd and then steps in to the ring. The newcomer is tall and broad and imposing, Rev think there's something familiar about this person. They remove their hooded cloak, letting it fall to the floor. The mysterious stranger is Cara. Rev laughs.

      "Finally. I've been dying to take you down ever since you put me in that prison cell."

      "You can try, babe, but I think you like it too much when I pin you down."

Rev grins.

      "Bring it on."

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