Chapter 7: Heart-To-Heart

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Cara brings out two speeder bikes from the police station's garage, and her and Rev set out to find the spice factory. The sun is scorching hot and beats down hard on both of them. It's a long way there and they drive continously for hours, only stopping briefly for water breaks.

      As the sun is setting and the wasteland of ash around them starts turning dark, Cara gestures for Rev to follow her. They drive behind two large boulders, which form a natural shelter, and park their bikes.

      "We still have a long way left to the factory so we'll set up camp here for tonight."

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Night has fallen. Above their camp the sky is dark blue and the stars sparkle comfortingly. The fire in the camp crackles and Cara and Rev sit on opposite sides of it. A grilling rack is placed on the fire, cooking two pieces of meat.

      They eat in silence, both starved after a long day. Cara finishes her dinner and throws the bare bones on the fire, Rev does the same.

      "I know your secret, Rev."

      "Oh yeah? Which one?"

      "Dano told me about your war effort, how the two of you worked for the rebellion and helped refugees. It's a noble thing helping the innocent like that. I was shocked, I thought you were just a common, dirty, criminal."

Rev glares at Cara.

      "Thanks for the backhanded compliment, I guess. We just did what anyone would have done."

      "So modest."

Rev scoffs softly.

      "What about you? I know you fought for the rebel alliance, but what did you do for them exactly?"

      "I was a shock trooper and a crack shot. Basically I was an unstoppable imp-killing machine."

      "So modest."

They laugh.

      "What about before the war? What's the story of Cara Dune?"

      "If you think I'm gonna get personal with you then you'll be disappointed."

      "Come on sheriff! Are we supposed to just sit here quietly?"

Cara meets Rev's eyes.


She looks down at the fire, hesitating.

      "I'm from Alderaan."

      "Oh... Did your people make it? Friends? Family?"

      "All gone. In the blink of an eye."

      "I'm so sorry."

Rev rummages through her bag and pulls out a flask. She unscrews the cap and raises the flask high.

      "To the Dunes, and all the alderaanians. May the force be with them."

She takes a long sip, wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, then she throws it to Cara who does the same.

      "Your turn."

Rev takes another sip from her flask before putting it away.

      "My family are all imperials."

      "Tell me why I shouldn't shoot you right here and now?"

      "Relax. I said my family is. Not me."

      "How come you never became an imperial then?"

      "I always felt like it was wrong what the imps were doing. But I kept it to myself and had to play along at times, just to stay alive."
"You think your family would have turned you in for being against the empire?"

      "No no, I don't think so at all. I know they would, because they did."

Cara looks at Rev surprised.

      "In a moment of weakness, or stupidity rather, I told my mother about it, about my doubts. The next day there were stormtroopers on our doorstep with a warrant for my arrest. I snuck out, hid in the cargo bay of a ship going to Tatooine, and I left. For good. I soon met Dano and we joined the rebellion shortly after. After the war, Dano talked about this planet, he was gonna be a pawnbroker."

They both chuckle.

      "I had no other plans. Nothing to go back to. So I came here with him. In the rebellion I discovered I have a real knack for fighting, and when me and Dano came to Nevarro it was obvious that the people here were bored and in desperate need of some entertainment. So, I found the abandoned old cellar and started handing out flyers. That's how the underground fighting ring started. One thing led to another and here I am now, held captive by the sheriff. Lucky me."

      They talk about the war, what life was like on Alderaan, and what it was like growing up with an imperial family. After talking for a while, Rev looks up at the moon and yawns.

      "It's getting late. We should probably get some sleep."

She lays down on her sleeping bag.

      "Good night, sheriff."

      "No, you have to sleep next to me."

      "...Excuse me?"

      "I'm tying us together. Wouldn't want you to sneak away in the middle of the night."

      "But you already put this tracker on me! Remember?"

      "Kinda hard to keep an eye on your tracker while I'm sleeping."

      "After all that heart-to-heart between us, you still think I'll try to escape?"

Cara scoffs.

      "It's not my first time dealing with a criminal. Now come lay down here next to me."
Rev sighs, but complies. She drags her sleeping bag behind her and walks around the fire, dropping it next to Cara's. She sits down with a muffled thump.
"Give me your arm."

Rev raises her arm towards Cara, who uses her handcuffs to lock them together by their wrists.

      "May I sleep now, sheriff?"

Cara smirks.

      "You may."

"Good night then."

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