Chapter 11: Retribution

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"Ok listen up people!"

The room full of deputies quiet down.

      "Now that I'm back, and the spice factory is history, things should be a little more calm out there on the streets."

Applause and cheers erupt from her deputies. After a moment Cara holds up both her hands to try to calm them down, and they do.

      "You've all done a great job while I've been gone, and I want you to know that I see you and I appreciate all your hard work. Now, time to go over the plans for today. I've ordered a prison transport to come pick up a few people from the cells, they should be arriving later today. I'll need one of you to make sure all that goes smoothly and..."

Outside the window a landspeeder explodes, then another. Cara is already running for the door with her blaster drawn. She stops at the door, and sees a grenade flying past her head and landing on the ground by the building next door, blowing a hole in the side of it. She leans around the corner and sees Voden and about 20 people backing him up. They all have their weapons drawn. Looking past them, Cara sees the guards at the city entrance laying still on the ground. Her deputies all have their weapons drawn, awaiting orders. In hushed tones she points them all in different directions, placing them strategically for the biggest advantage for the upcoming fight.

      "Sheriff Duuuuune! I know you're still new at this job, but blowing up my factory without taking me out too? Sloppy!"

Cara leans out the door and shoots a well placed shot in the sand right next to Voden's foot. He jumps.

      "Even in our wildest fantasies we didn't think you would be dumd enough to come back to the city, Voden. Yet, here you are."

Voden tenses up, clenching his fists in annoyance.

      "Do you really want those to be your last words, sheriff?"

From the shadows, a dark shape appears. The silent assassin pounces at Cara with her knife drawn. Cara sees her attacker at the last moment and tries to evade her. The assassins knife barely misses Cara's neck, and instead they both tumble to the ground. Voden holds his blaster high up in the air.


Voden's people start shooting, aiming at Cara while trying to avoid hitting their own assassin. Cara's deputies rush out of the station, take cover behind scattered crates, and return fire.

      The sheriff keeps struggling with the assassin on the ground. Her opponent is small, but fast, and keeps dodging Cara's attempts at landing a heavy punch. The assassin gets the upper hand and raises her knife to plunge it into Cara's heart. A blaster bolt comes from above and hits the assassin in the back of the head. She goes limp and lands heavily on the ground. Cara looks around for the shooter who saved her.

      "Hey, sheriff! I want in on the fun as well!"

From the hospital window Rev waves her blaster and smiles, happy to be back in action. Cara smiles back, pulls out her blaster, and starts returning Voden's people's fire.

      The fight is loud and heavy, blaster bolts flying all around. Cara sees her deputies fighting well. But Voden's numbers are greater, and slowly but surely he gets the upper hand on the fight.

      Rev is firing like lightning from above, Cara looks up at her, feeling a sense of pride. At the entrance to the hospital she sees one of Voden's men, a devaronian, rush inside and up the stairs.


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