Chapter 2: Locked Up

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"Wake up! Chow time!"

A tray is pushed through the small slot in the cell door, and falls to the floor. Landing upside down. The mushy, unappetizing slop, splatters all over the cell floor.


The gamorrean prison guard grunts in annoyance on the other side of the door, before moving on to the next cell. Rev stands up and bangs on the door.

      "Hey, gamorrean! I've been in here for two days! Where is the sheriff? When is my trial?"

He doesn't answer. And soon, after he is done administering the slop to the other cells, he leaves. Rev clenches her fists tight at her side. The prisoner in the cell next to hers responds instead.

      "He doesn't talk much."

      "No kidding."

With a heavy thump she lays down on her bed again

      I'm not staying here a single night longer.

Outside the window, she sees the sun is going down.

      I'll wait 'til everyone's asleep.

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When the moon is high in the sky, and snores can be heard all throughout the prison, Rev sits by her cell door waiting. The gamorrean walks by the cells, doing his hourly rounds. When he passes by Rev's door she reaches out through the small hatch in her cell door and grabs the keys from his belt. She waits for him to leave and then she reaches out through the hatch to the lock on her door. The lock lets out a soft click, and with a light push the door swings open. Rev makes sure the coast is clear and starts heading out the same way she came in two days ago. She reaches the exit and the door to the street opens for her with a whoosh.

      "Going on a midnight stroll?"

The voice comes from behind her, she turns around. Sitting in a chair in the corner is the sheriff, cutting small pieces off a meiloorun fruit and eating them. She smiles wickedly at her prisoner. Rev lets out a nervous laugh when she speaks.

      "Sheriff! I can explain."

The shreiff holds up a hand to stop Rev from talking.

      "Don't bother. Have a seat, I want to talk to you about something."

For a moment Rev hesitates, looking from the sheriff to the street outside the door. The sheriff pulls out her gun and points it at Rev.

      "That wasn't a suggestion, prisoner."

Rev hesitantly sits down in the chair opposite the sheriff, with the table in between them.

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The Sheriff - A Cara Dune FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now