Chapter 25

13 6 16

Surprise! Surprise!

Hazel's POV
June 18

It's Monday morning and I have a splitting headache. I feel like shit. On top of it all, I forgot we start our exams today and I haven't revised at all. All my focus was directed at the news Jason told me. I also still haven't forgotten my whole ordeal with Liam. You could say that I have a whole package of shit to make me feel like shit. Right now, I'm just gonna figure out how to look great while looking like hobo and also how to study for the three papers I have today; Biology, English and Chemistry. Yup! I'm fucked.

"You've been in there for awhile now, lil sis. You good?", Jason says as he knocks on my door.

"I'm good. I'll be out in a sec", I yell and then proceed to throw on a pair of blue boyfriend jeans, my brother's old sweater and a pair of sandals. I stuff my notes into my bag and grab my phone off my bedside table before walking out my room.

"Hey Xavier", I greet him before snatching a waffle off his plate.

"Hey baby girl", he responds before giving me an already packed lunch bag.

"Thanks. Where's Jason?", I ask knowing fully well that he's my ride.

"In the car waiting for you. Your parents are already at work", he replies and I nod. I wave him goodbye before walking out of the house and into Jason's car.

"It took you long enough lil sis", Jason says as he ignites the car.

"Good morning to you too big bro", I reply as I buckle my seat belt.

We engage in chit chat here and there making the drive to the school seem faster than usual. Once Jason stops the car, I plop out, wave him goodbye, shut the door and immediately walk away. Why did I do that you may ask? I don't want to listen to his list of do's, don'ts and precautions. Always be with friends, don't go near honey, try not to provoke anyone, stay away from other people, blah blah blah..... I love that he cares but most times his rules don't make sense.

"Hazel!!! I've missed you so much. I called you during the weekend but you phone was switched off", Liz exclaims as she hugs me tightly while I try not to flinch. That was a reason I switched off my phone to avoid me worrying my friends when they call and it seemed to work, I guess.

"Hey Liz bae. I love you and missed you a lot but can you stop hugging me so tight. I need to breathe", I say with a pained expression and she immediately releases me causing me to immediately suck in a lot of oxygen to get my breathing stable.

"I'm so sorry Hazel. I was just so excited", she replies with a sad smile which I wave off.

"It's fine. I just needed to breathe that's all", I say to which she nods.

"Are you ready for today's papers?", I proceed to ask Liz and her smile shrinks.

"I don't know. I read all the notes yesterday and this morning but I still feel like I'm not gonna ace the papers", she says and then proceeds to ask "You?"

"I haven't even read half of my notes", I reply with a shrug and she bumps my shoulder with hers.

"Girl, you ace all your questions even without reading. You're naturally intelligent. I won't be surprised if you have a 3.9 or 4.0 GPA score", she says with a proud smile and I laugh.

"Where's Tina, Chris and Liam? And have you seen Zach?", I ask. I felt awkward even saying his name. Where's the past Hazel?

"Tina's reading like hell. Chris is stress eating and freaking out and Liam, I have no clue. He just said hi to me and walked away. He should probably be with the others in the library. Zach is probably in the seniors' block. I heard they start their papers earlier than ours", she explains and I nod then hook arms with her and walk towards the library to find our other dear friends.

It wasn't hard to spot the group. Tina had at least 3 note books and 4 textbooks opened in front of her on the table. Chris had a lot of cookies, sweets and cakes on the table while trying to read. Liam was asleep. He was asleep??!!??? I can't even begin to speak.

"Hey guys", I say casually as if I'm not freaking out from the fact that he is here.

"Oh hey Hazel. You look like an hobo",. Chris comments before facing his note and stuffing his face with sweets causing me to smile sarcastically.

"Thanks Chris. I didn't notice", I respond.

"Hazel, I'm so glad you're here. I need help in Biology. I can't seem to understand the different botanical names of plants and all that", Tina pleads and sighs. I'm not ready for this yet. I haven't even read!!!! God why?????


I ended up teaching Tina and she understood and promised to buy me a milkshake. I read a bit and well, Liam woke up later on and downright ignored me. He didn't even say a hi or hey, just silence. I guess I kinda deserved that. I'm pretty sure the others noticed but didn't comment on it.

Now, it's lunch and I'm done with two of my papers, Biology and English. Chemistry happens to be after lunch. I have to admit that the questions weren't what I was expecting. They were a lot simpler though there were some I had no clue about but in all, I should get about 90 out of 100 in Biology and 93 out of 100 in English. Right now, I'm feeling tired and weak.

"Hey! How were your papers?", Chris asks immediately I sit down opposite him.

"They were great. Yours?", I ask back with a tired smile and he shrugs.

"They were okay. I'll get a B or C in Biology and then an A or B in English", he responds and I nod before turning towards Tina and Liz.

"How were yours?", I ask them and they grin.

"They were good", they both say together in a creepy way and I chuckle lightly.

"Cool", I respond. I notice Liam was not at the table with us but shrug it off and take out my lunch. To be honest, I don't feel like eating. Heck! I haven't even eaten properly in the last few days. I only just eat little portions of food at absurd hours of the day.

I stare at my food for a while before I sigh and grab an apple. I bite into it but then I feel the urge to pee. I drop my already bitten apple back into my lunch pack and stand up which was a wrong thing to do as everywhere spins and I feel dizzy.

"Are you okay, Hazel?", Chris asks in a concerned tone but before I could reply,

The darkness called out to me





Hello guys!

Here's another update as promised and it's in our favourite girl's pov.
What are your thoughts on this chapter?
How do you feel when you have exams?
Are you the type who doesn't need to read so much to pass?
Or the type who needs to read for weeks to pass?

Let's move .....

Question of The Day:
What's your thought on divorce? Do you think parents should divorce when they still have little kids? Or should wait until when the kids are grown to some extent? Or divorce shouldn't be in any parent's dictionary?

I want to know your thoughts 🤔

Shout Out Time
Shout-out to people from Malaysia. I love you my fellow Africans ❤️

Thank you for reading.
Take care
Stay safe

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