Chapter 11

44 17 26

This chapter is dedicated to jyoti223344

Hazel's POV
Monday Morning

"Hazel, are you really sure you want to go to school? You can still back out", my mom asks for the tenth time today and I nod while eating my pancake.

"I'm sure mom", I reply with a frown. I hate that they're treating me like a fragile thing. It's annoying really. I love that they care but it's just that the continuous 'babying treatment' is getting on my nerve. I'm dressed in a pair of black jeans, pale pink long sleeve baggy top and a pair of pale pink trainers. I don't bother using makeup to cover the black bags under my eyes. I didn't get enough sleep on Friday night, Saturday night and last night.

"Anike, are you ready?", my dad asks as he enters the kitchen.

"Yes papa", I reply looking at him with a small smile. He looks taken aback on my appearance and I internally snort.

"Geez, you look like shit", my dad says causing my mom to hit him on his back with a spoon.

"Thanks papa", I reply sarcastically.

"I see you still have your humour in you", my mom says and I chuckle, feeling a bit happier.

"Let's go Anike", my dad states and I nod, giving my mom a kiss on her cheek, after dad leaves the house.

"Bye mama", I say and she smiles.

"Bye hunnie", my mom responds and I leave the house and enter my dad's black range rover. I still don't understand why most cars my parents own are black. Mom mentioned something about it being a safe, neutral and non flashy colour or something along the lines of that.

"Anike, don't hesitate to call me if anything happens, okay?", my dad asks in a worried, concerned and slightly fearful tone which instantly reduces any pent up irritation I might have harboured before.

"Okay papa", I reply and my dad starts driving.


*25 minutes later*

We finally got to my school. I got out of the car after saying goodbye to my dad. I checked my phone and saw 6 missed calls.

3 missed calls from Liz.
2  missed calls from Tina.
1 missed call from my brother.

I feel other students' stares on me but I ignore them and proceed to call Jason back. Jason's my brother for those of you who don't remember.

"Sissy, how are you?", He asks and I frown. Mom and dad probably told him.

"I'm okay bro. How are you? How's college?", I ask trying to change the topic but he knows me so well.

"Everything's fine, sis. I hope you're going to see Doc. Eliza", he states and I sigh.

"Yes, I am Jason", I reply tiredly.

"Okay. Don't think of using your sleeping pills", he says and I scoff.

"Yes Jason", I respond and he sighs.

"I'm just watching out for you", he says and I sigh. I seem to be doing that a lot.

"I know bro. Love you", I state.

"Love you too. Take care", he responds and I nod then hang up. I walk towards my locker, just to see Liz, Tina, Chris and Liam by it.

Great! The whole family! Note my sarcasm.

"Hey guys", I say and wave awkwardly.

"Why weren't you picking our calls? I was so worried", Liz says as she hugs me followed by Tina causing me to flinch ever so slightly, while Chris gives me a small smile and Liam scrutinizes me under his gaze.

Close Yet ApartNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ