Chapter 17

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This chapter is dedicated to MissAgataaa. Thank you so much for your comments.

Third Person POV

It's Sunday morning and everyone, well most people, are up early. People like Hazel, Liz and Tina who were all in Hazel's room in her house.

"God, I love your room", Tina says in awe. Sure, her room was astonishing but she still preferred Hazel's room with all the artworks to hers.

"How come we didn't notice the artworks the last time we were here?", Liz asks looking around the room.

"Well, they just dried and I just hung them up. So yeah", Hazel replies with a shrug.

"You painted all these?", Liz asks again with her mouth a bit agape.

"Hmm.... yeah most of it. I got just two from my Jason a couple of days ago as a peace offering for not being here as he ought to due to impromptu tests", Hazel says with a shrug and smile.

"Your paintings are beautiful", Tina says still awestruck and Hazel chuckles.

"Thanks ", Hazel replies and plops on her bed with the girls. Hazel and Tina looked at Liz expectantly. Obviously waiting for her to spill the beans.

"Alright alright. Fine. I went on a date with Chris yesterday", Liz starts with a smile while remembering yesterday.

"I know that. I went to see grandma yesterday and she told me about it, duh, saying Chris was nice but she still didn't trust him", Hazel interrupts causing Liz to glare at her and Tina giggled.

"You should have seen how tensed and worked up Chris was yesterday. He channeled his inner girl out and tried about 6 different outfits before choosing the one he wore. It was hilarious", Tina adds and they all burst out laughing. Once they had all calmed down, Liz continued.

"So, as I was saying before the interruptions. Well, he talked to Nana for sometime before we left. Then we went to Ice cream Palace, where Mrs Duke got our order on the house. Then we went to the orphanage which I haven't visited in forever and then we went to a drag race event which was awesome by the way. Later, we went stargazing. We didn't kiss if that's what you're expecting. He just gave me a kiss on the forehead and I pecked his cheek and we hugged after he dropped me home", Liz explains with a grin while Hazel and Tina gag.

"I'm never falling in love with a guy outside my family and friend group", Hazel says and Tina frowns.

"Nah....I'm gonna fall in love but not now", Tina adds with a small smile as she was already fantasizing over her future boyfriend.

"Hazel why do you say so?", Liz asks referring to her previous statement while Hazel just shakes her head.

"It's nothing. Just leave it", Hazel states and silence envelopes them. Well, that is until Tina decided to break the silence.

" Let's go to my mom's ice cream store. The guys can meet us up there. I'll just send a message on the group chat", Tina says with hopeful eyes and they all nod slowly.

Hazel then stands up from the bed and goes towards the wardrobe. After rummaging for a couple of minutes, she settles on a pair of black jeans, a white tank top, a red baggy sweater which she paired with her black crocs. She went into her bathroom to change and then later emerged out of the bathroom with her pajamas in hand which she tossed into the laundry basket in her room.

"You ready?", Liz asks with a smile and Hazel nods in response.

Great! She was back to her 'not talking' phase, thought Liz causing her smile to drop a bit.

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