Chapter 15

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This chapter is dedicated to RnoomaQueen


Third Person's POV

2 weeks later (May 28th) *

Hazel is released from the hospital about three days back. Now it's Monday and she's just chilling at home and painting.

Did I mention that she likes painting? Well, she does.

She has begun to open up bit by bit to her friends especially Zach. She sees him as a second brother to her. Her dad took a morning leave from the hospital to stay with her but on seeing that she is doing fine and she is okay with him leaving, he leaves for work.

When Jason, Hazel's brother, found out that she was in the hospital, he flipped his shit and was about to fly over but Hazel begged him not to in exchange for sending him updates everyday which she will have to do soon.

Liz, Tina and Chris have been helping her catch up on school work and bringing her assignments too. Zach couldn't be of much help in that aspect because they are in different Senior Years but he does try to help out when he can. Liam has been a bit distant from the girls and Chris, even though they've tried to talk to him. He is still beating himself up for what he did, though he was just trying to protect Hazel from Daya's master plan.

Hazel has forgiven Liam after finding out that he was just trying to protect her. She can use her voice now but she still feels little pains though. Things have been going smoothly for sometime now even you look away from the boredom, boredom and boredom killing her.

Darling you are strong
You are wise
You are worth beyond a thousand reasons why
And you can't be perfect baby
Cause nobody's perfect darling
Oh no no no
There's nobody in the world
Like you....

Hazel drops the palette as well as brush and grabs her phone out of her pocket and picks up the call.

"Hello sissy. How are you feeling? Are you doing alright?", Jason asks immediately she picks the call.

"Hey big bro. I'm feeling alright. Just sore when I talk sometimes as you know. And yes, I'm doing alright. I'm home alone. I was working on a painting when you called", I explain and he sighs audibly in relief.

"That's nice to hear. What painting are you working on?", he asks a bit cheerful—feeling happy that Hazel's health is improving.

"It's a painting of the sun setting near a lake with plants on the lake too. It just came to my mind and I decided to paint it out", she replies with a small smile on her face. She feels happy being able to talk to her brother, not doing anything else but just talking.

"That's amazing sissy. Before you ask how I'm doing, I'm doing good. College's okay too just stressed with college tests coming up. Are you catching up on school work?", he asks and Hazel chuckles.

"I am, don't worry. The girls and guys are helping me out, especially Zach", Hazel replies and Jason laughs.

"That's amazing really. I got to go now sissy. I'll talk to you later", he says and she sighs, a bit unhappy that he has to hang up.

"Okay big bro. Bye. Love you", she says in a forced happy voice but Jason isn't fooled by it.

"Sissy, don't worry. I'll visit you once I get a chance. Bye. Love you too", he replies and hangs up.

Jason already knows about Zach but he's wary of him after the whole Liam issue. He is planning on surprising Hazel with a visit during the weekend but with lecturers making them take college tests a week before the actual date, he is forced to postpone the visit till when he gets the chance. Hopefully that'll be soon.

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