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Tommy double checked his bag to make sure he put everything he'd need. Blanket, comfort item, toothbrush, clothes, phone, charger, and headphones. He nodded and sealed his bag up, putting it under his bed. The blonde went downstairs and made himself a bowl of cereal, eating it and scrolling his phone. He texted everyone he needed to, to make sure everything was set in stone. That was, until dear old Wilbur Watson woke up. The brunette stomped downstairs and met Tommy with a scowl. "Where's Phil?" Tommy looked at him, an empty expression plastered on his face. "Dunno. He hasn't come home in a while." Wilbur sighed angrily and went into the kitchen. The younger couldn't help but grimace.

The front door opened and who stepped in but Phil. "Speak of the devil." Tommy said, putting another spoon of cereal in his mouth. "Hey Tommy, where's Wilbur?" Tommy pointed to the kitchen, but Wilbur already stomped out, a glare fixed on Phil. "Dad, where have you been?" Phil's feathered ruffled up defensively. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I was busy." The brunette scoffed. "Of course you were. You're literally gone on the most important day of the year." Phil scratched his neck. "I know, Wil. Just listen. I know how much it means to you." Wilbur looked incredulous. "Holy shit, you actually don't know what day it is! Oh my fucking god Dad, you are a riot." He laughed, looking ever so-slightly psychotic. "Of course I know what day it is! What kind of father would I be if I forgot my son's birthday?"

Wilbur gave him a glare that made Tommy wince just looking at it. The room felt much colder than before. Wilbur's eyes widened. "You really don't know my birthday, do you?" The teen laughed a bit. "The lights, do not work?? The water, does not work??? The fucking heat, DOES NOT WORK???" Wilbur's voice went significantly high every time he said "work" and Tommy had to stifle a laugh. "This?," Wilbur pointed at Phil, "Is fucking batshit. Literal lunacy. You missed your FUCKING BILLS DEADLINE. You're insane. I'm fucking done." He grabbed his coat from the coat hanger and slammed the door behind him. Phil looked completely oblivious. "Then who's birthday is it?"

Tommy rolled his eyes. "It's mine." Tommy grabbed his bowl and dumped the milk down the drain before walking past Phil into his room. The blonde grabbed his bag and left the house, not bothering to speak to anyone. He already sent Techno a goodbye text anyways. He left his house and crossed yards into Tubbo's lawn, pulling himself up the deck and through Tubbo's window. The older looked up at him. "Hey Tommy. Ready?" Tommy nodded. "Happy Birthday by the way, dude." The younger smiled, not expecting him to remember, nobody really did in his life before. Tubbo hoisted his bag over his shoulder and followed Tommy out to the roof, shutting the window behind him and crawling down the house. "Not gonna lie big man, this is just like Spider-Man." Tommy gave him a look as he brushed dirt off his knees. "I have... no idea what that means, Tubs." Tubbo shrugged and the two made their way to Ranboo's next.

When they arrived at Puffy's home, she ushered them inside. "Sit down, sit down. Have you even ate? It's so early." Ranboo came down the stairs, a bag on their shoulders. "Don't bother them, mom. It's like, 7am." The woman rolled her eyes. "Oh, hush. You might be in a different house but I can still ground you, Mx." Tubbo laughed teasingly. Ranboo huffed and looked at Tommy. "By the way, happy birthday Toms." Tommy felt his cheeks heat up with the sudden attention being on him. "Thank you." He grinned. "You all have everything you need, right?" The three of them nodded in unison, earning a laugh from the sheep hybrid. "Alright then. The cottage isn't far from here, and I'll check in on you every day. I set you up for online school, and I'll give you an allowance to buy food and stuff in general. But, I will be doing therapy with you. And I'm putting you in rehab, I know about what you guys have been doing but I don't think it's your faults. Is this all fine with you?" Tommy blushed, embarrassed to be called out like that. "Yeah, thank you mom." Ranboo said. "Of course. Now, let's get this show on the road, shall we?" Tubbo beamed. "Roadtrip!"

Puffy chuckled. "Sure." The four left and got in the car, making the short drive to the cottage. They got back out and Tommy almost screeched from excitement when he saw it. It looked so- homey. Tommy wasn't used to that but it definitely was a great change. If there was a house Tommy was born to live in, this was it. Nature, a forest, and a beautiful view. Tommy could not believe his luck. He could see Tubbo's tail wagging viciously, looking at all of the wild flowers. "Alrighty, ready to go in?" Tommy nodded, as certain as he had ever been. They went inside and it was just as great. Puffy apologized for there only being a main bedroom but non of them minded, knowing they trusted each other. Puffy talked a bit more about some details before leaving the three be with their allowance and some food in the fridge and pantry. Tommy was honest to prime ecstatic. "This is so cool. Ranboo, your literally the best." Tubbo nodded in agreement. Ranboo blushed. "I'm really excited we get to be here. I think this'll be good for us." Tommy smiled. "I think so too."

The three got their belongings situated and it didn't take long for them to get settled in. Ranboo decided to make all of them ramen since it was now 12 pm while Tommy and Tubbo fooled around outside.

Tommy felt relieved. Tommy felt free.

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