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Tommy took another hit of the blunt, passing it over to Tubbo. Hansel by Sodikken played in his earbuds. He pulled his blade from pocket and drug it across his arm, pressing harder than usual. He didn't care if Tubbo and Ranboo saw anymore. Ranboo's head laid on his shoulder. They were visibly experiencing the effects of the shrooms it got from Quackity. Tubbo took another hit and handed it back to Tommy. Tommy did the same before putting it out. "Do you guys wanna make vodka slushies?" The brunette asked, pulling a bottle of Vodka off of his bed. "I mean, why not?" Tommy asked, stuffing the blade back into his pocket. Ranboo nodded. The three stood up and made their way downstairs, the jangling of the bottle of vodka in Tubbo's pockets ringing throughout the house. Tubbo grabbed Schlatt's credit card from his wallet and led the other two out of the house. When they made it out, they walked down the sidewalk towards the 7-11 near the park. They made it and walked in. A sound rang out as the doors opened for them and they stepped in. The cashier knew they were all on some shit. He could hear the bottle in the little one's pocket, for god's sake. But he really didn't care. I mean, would you, if you were a dude living off minimum wage, watching 3 12-13 year olds walk in, dressed like crackheads? Ok, in their, defense, they weren't dressed that badly. Tommy wore a red and white hoodie with very obvious blood stains along with grey sweatpants and black converse. Tubbo wore a black tank-top under a thick green jacket that  had lots of fur lining the hood and black ripped jeans, as well as long bee socks and yellow crocs. Ranboo wore  a black lemon demon t-shirt that hung off its skinny frame in a way that made it look like it was a family hand-me-down with white pants and checkered vans. Okay, yeah, they looked like crackheads.

They trudged into the store, Toby holding Ranboo's hand and guiding them because they kept getting confused. They got to the slushie machine. Tommy got their slushies for them, with him getting a coke slushie, Tubbo getting Blue Raspberry, and Ranboo getting Grape. The blonde filled them up halfway and threw lids and straws in them before leaving for the cashier. He set their slushies up on the counter, getting Schlatt's credit card from Tubbo. He swiped it. The slushies cost 6.42. They paid and got out of there before the cashier got annoyed and called the cops or some shit. They went to the park and sat on the swings, passing the bottle around and pouring it into their drinks. After pouring it in, Ranboo accidentally dropped the bottle, earning the sound of the glass breaking. It wasn't that bad since the bottle was empty, but it was still loud. "Sorry-" It said, eyes still trained ahead. "What are you seeing boo?" Tubbo asked. "Uhm- I don't know? There's like, swirls and stuff. It's hard to focus. It's pretty though." Tommy nodded. Tubbo winced slightly, shifting in the swing. "You ok Tubs?" The blonde asked. "Yeah, I'm just having the shittiest period cramps." "That fucking sucks, do you wanna get like, snacks or a heating pad from the store?" Tubbo shook his head. "I'm fine, it just hurts." Tommy hummed in acknowledgement.

Tubbo took another sip of his blue raspberry slushie. A drop of rain landed on his head. He looked up. "Starting to rain." The other two teens looked up. Tommy stuck his tongue out, catching a drop on his tongue. "Do you guys wanna stay out here or hang out somewhere else?" Tubbo asked. Tommy thought for a moment. He pulled out his phone.

Can me tubbo and ranboob come hang out wit you?
We can bring alchohol

Hell yeah, I just got tons of shit from my supplier

K, we'll be there with some vodka in like 30 minutes

Tommy put away his phone and looked up. "We can hang out at Quackity's and bring some vodka?" Tubbo grinned and nodded, standing up. The other two followed. They stopped at Tubbo's and he grabbed another bottle of vodka before heading to Quackity's. Quackity lived around Las Nevadas in another nice apartment he rented. Even if he was 14, he was making bank. He had tons of connections and some people said he had some affiliation with a nether star trafficking ring. Quackity greeted them at the door after texting them his apartment number and led the three into the lounge. It was a fancy place, and everything was neater then you'd expect with his chaotic personality. They all sat down and had some drinks, talking about whatever and just joking around. And then Quackity brought out a box, setting it down on the coffee table.

"What's that, Big Q?" Tommy asked. "This, boys-" He opened the box. "Is my latest order!" The three looked inside the box. Inside of it was tons of everything a rehabilitation center would despise. Bags of cocaine, shrooms, weed, heroine, and whatever else that Tommy couldn't name. "Holy shit Big Q! This is insane!" Tubbo said in shock. Ranboo nodded. "You want any? My treat, boys." "Are you sure Big Q? Because this is like, a lot." Quackity nodded. "Of course, Tomás! You guys are my buds, don't worry about it." Quackity grabbed 3 bags of coke and a bag of shrooms, handing Ranboo the shrooms and giving all 3 of them cocaine. "Thanks, Quackity." Ranboo said. Quackity nodded, grabbing himself a bag of cocaine. Tubbo pulled out his phone and Schlatt's credit card, pouring a small pile of coke onto his phone case. He used Schlatt's credit card to push the pile into a line. He dug around in his pocket for a second before pulling a slip of paper out and rolling it up. He put the roll at the start of the line and put his nose at the tip before snorting the line swiftly. He finished and pulled back, wiping his nose. "Ugh- Fuck, man." Tubbo blinked a few times before grinning. "That's good, Big Q."

Andddd that's that chapter! MIH!Tubbo crack whore arc? We shall see.
Anyways I'm sleepy now, that took effort

Finished: August 21
Words: 1075
Views: 799 (jeebzus)

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