Vulture Forest

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Wilbur tapped onto Phil's contact.

Is it fine if I stay at Niki's house for the night?

Crow Father

The brunette shut off his phone and walked down the sidewalk. He paused. If I'm doing this, I'm not going alone. He walked towards the park and stopped at the bakery. "Niki, you closing up?" The pink haired woman nodded, hanging up her apron. "You wanna come with?" Niki paused, deep in thought. "Fine." She grabbed a cookie from the display and shoved it into her mouth before leading the taller man out of the bakery. She locked the door behind him. The two walked to Vulture Forest in anxious silence, anticipating what would unfold. It took 10 minutes to get there but to them it felt like 3. Wilbur and Niki walked deep into the forest, listening to the sounds of music playing from a speaker. When they broke into the clearing people hooted and yelled.

It was a tradition for the neighborhood kids to go and party when someone was getting fought in Vulture Forest. Wilbur and Niki had participated in the festivities previously. Wilbur never thought he'd be one of the people fighting. He was literally bullied for being a stick. For once Wilbur wondered if being beaten to death and subsequently used as an ashtray would be all that bad. His train of thought halted when Dream stepped out. People screamed excitedly. Dream hadn't fought anyone in Vulture Forest since the time when Technoblade dueled him and won. Dream glared at Wilbur. "Dream." Wilbur nodded towards the man and he nodded back. People hooted and soon there was a circle around the two men. Niki watched nervously in the front.

Wilbur took a moment to scan the crowd before catching his eye on Tommy and Tubbo. His eyes widened. Dream grinned. "Your such a creep, man." Wilbur growled. "I'll show you a creep when I get my hands on Tommy." Wilbur stiffened. "What did you say?" Dream had a look of pure malice. "What, are you deaf? Maybe get your mommy to help clean your ears- Oh wait." Wilbur stared at him for a moment before lunging at the man. Wilbur landed a good punch in the jaw before Dream punched him in the stomach. Dream slapped the brunette and went in for another hit but Wilbur dodged, grabbing his arm and pulling him closer before decking the shorter. Dream stumbled back for a moment before tackling the brunette. Pure anger flashed in his emerald eyes.

Onlookers winced. Wilbur, still beneath the blonde, grabbed Dream's collar and punched him repeatedly before a sickening crack rang out from the man's nose. Someone throwing up could be heard faintly. Wilbur snarled and grit his teeth angrily like a rabid animal, still attacking. Dream grabbed his wrists and threw them down before wrapping his hands around Wilbur's throat. The brunette thought he heard Tommy yell, but in his lightheaded state he wasn't too sure. The man grasped onto Dream's hands but one of them retracted into his pocket. And that's when he knew he wouldn't make it back home. Dream pulled out a knife.

TW: Detailed gore and barf
The crowd screeched. Tommy was having a panic attack while Tubbo held his hand, squeezing it a bit. Dream pulled back his arm and jabbed it into Wilbur's side. Wilbur let out a bloodcurdling scream. Dream dragged the weapon up through Wilbur's stomach, but Wilbur had already passed out from the pure pain. Dream stood up with a smirk on his face and his hands drenched in his victim's blood. He kicked Wilbur's body, rotating him to the Crowd's view. The slice when threw his stomach, revealing his intestines. The kick made them leak out slightly from the body and chunks of Wilbur's organs fell from his body. The clean slice was layered out for all to see like a piece of fine art or a charcuterie board. Tommy leaned over and puked. Tubbo rubbed his back while looking away, his emetophobia rampant.

Tommy hacked up whatever was left in his stomach and grabbed his phone from his pocket, dialing Phil's number. The phone rang for a moment. "You ok Tommy?" Tommy hacked a bit. "No.. Wilbur.. I think he's dead and I don't know what to do please help I don't want him to die please-" The blonde croaked. Phil's eyes widened. "What." More tears dripped from his eyes like a faucet. "Dream and Wilbur fought and Dream stabbed him really deep." Phil's line went quiet. "Where are you?" He asked firmly. "Vulture forest.." Phil took a deep breath, collecting himself before he had a panic attack. "Alright Toms, it's gonna be ok, don't worry. I'm coming in a bit. Stay right there, ok?" Tommy bit his lip, he refused to show any more weakness in front of Dream. "Ok." "Love you." "I love you too, dad."

Phil smiled a bit before hanging up, his face returning to a grimace. He shoved his phone into his pocket and put his hands behind his back, revealing his inky black wings. He exhaled before walking out of the door and locking it. He stood at his doorstep. The blonde dashed into the road and jumped up while flapping his wings, taking off into the night. He glided through the air, mentally mapping out the route to Vulture Forest. The man always got nervous about that place, the only reason he let Techno fight there is that he knew the teen could fight. He shook his head, he knew if he kept thinking about it he'd miss the pink-haired teen too much. He saw the forest in the distance and he slowly glided downwards, first going headfirst before leaning back with his legs positioned in the proper way when he got close so that he could land painlessly.

He slowly landed on the ground and followed the sounds of teenagers panicking. He broke into the clearing and everybody's heads snapped toward him. Phil heard a few people curse, obviously not expecting a full-grown avian to come over. "Where are my sons." He asked anxiously. Tommy burst through the crowd. "Phil!" He ran behind the man, grabbing onto him for dear life. Tubbo ran next to Tommy. Phil glared to the crowd at whatever made his son and Tubbo so unnerved. Dream ran through the crowd, stopping in front of Phil. His eyes widened. Phil pinned him into a nearby tree. "Someone call 911!" He yelled, restraining him. Tommy grabbed his phone and dialed 911. "911 what's your emergency?" Tommy panicked a bit and began to mess with his hair. "Uhm- So this guy stabbed my brother and I think he's dead and the guy chased me with the knife and my dad pinned him against a tree can you send an ambulance and some police?" "Of course, where are you?" "Vulture Forest." "Alright. Help is on the way. Please stay on the line and update me on what happens."
I adore writing gore, even if I can't write it that good. Fellas, that was another chapter, thanks so much for reading boys.  Love ya

Started: July 27, Wednesday
Finished: July 28, Thursday
Words: 1202
Views: 548

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