Hybrid Legality

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Tommy tugged his converse on haphazardly, for once being excited for school. Today, Hybrids were officially legalized and protected under government law and couldn't legally be turned away. Tommy was ecstatic to finally be able to feel less trapped. He tripped down the stairs swiftly and made his way to his bag by the door. He heaved it onto his shoulders and stuck his earphones in, bobbing his head to the music. He had to resist the reflex of cupping his ears and hiding them like normal before walking out the door. It had practically become a habit at this point. He went out the door and stood in front of the house for a moment. The blonde breathed in the icy winter morning air. It smelled much better with the fact his nose is more enhanced- Perks of not hiding his features, he guessed. He heard a door open quickly as Tubbo ran up next to him, a leap in his step. "Tommy!! I'm so excited!" The hybrid grinned, oak brown ears flicking with excitement. Tommy shared the same expression. "Me too!! This is gonna be so fuckin pog." The two set off to school, chattering excitedly the whole way.

The two boys made it to school and met up with Ranboo at their lockers. It was weird seeing tons of their classmates with ears and things. Tommy, Tubbo, and now Ranboo went to their math class, with their 7th grade teacher Mr. Callahan. He was but still a good teacher overall. Turns out he was a reindeer, suprisingly. Their classmates had a field day calling him 'Rudolf', but Mr.Callahan didn't mind. Tommy honestly thought the teacher was really cool, even if he wouldn't admit it. Ranboo needed to help Tommy and Tubbo with the work (They couldn't figure out what to do with the exponents when subtracting coefficients), but otherwise the class went fine.

The three split up for unified arts, with Tommy having Spanish and General Music. Tommy was suprisingly good at Spanish, thanks to some tips from Quackity when they would hang out. The teacher was Señor Rubius, someone from the neighboring Spanish-speaking town Karmaland. Apparently, Quackity stayed there on the weekends. Tommy made his way to General Music next, which was relatively uneventful. His teacher was Mr. James, as he didn't like being called Mr. Marriot (He said it made him feel old, which in response Tommy said he was. The blonde narrowly escaped being written up due to that) The teacher was a cat hybrid. Tommy suprisingly payed attention to the class, due to them being in the Theater quarter where they discussed what they would do if they joined Drama and tactics in Broadway.

Tommy had science next with Mr. Manifold. He was a blaze hybrid. The class was fairly uneventful, and suprisingly the teacher went of track and talked a bit about whatever, contrary to the usual strict track he stayed on. Lunch came soon, however, and Tommy made his way back to his usual table with Tubbo and Ranboo. Now, though, Aimsey and Billzo sat with them. The five chatted away the entire lunch, cracking jokes and bickering about whatever came to mind. It was peaceful, for the most part. The rest of school went by in a blur like usual.

Tubbo and Tommy walked home, Tubbo going to his house due to his father. Tommy opened the front door and went inside, closing it behind him after Tubbo followed. "D'you want to get a snack? I'm lowkey hungry." The brunette nodded so they both hung up their coats and took off their shoes. They went into the kitchen. The once-friendly kitchen was just eerie. The snow reflected into the kitchen window, illuminating the room. "Tommy, where even is your family? It looks like nobody's been in here for years." Tommy shrugged. "I don't know where Phil went. Haven't seen him. Techno and Wil are here, but Wilbur usually hangs out at Niki's until it gets dark." Tubbo's demeanor changed. "Technoblade's here?" Tommy nodded, understanding. "He's on meds now. He's chill." Tubbo exhaled shakily. "Are you fine with that? If not we could hang out somewhere else." Tubbo nodded. "Just.. A bit nervous. I'm fine." Tommy nodded. "Anyways, what do you want? I think we still have some cheezits." Tubbo shrugged. "That's fine."

Tommy grabbed two bottles of apple juice from the fridge and grabbed the box of cheezits from the cupboard. He internally thanked Prime for making Phil short, if he wasn't, he wouldn't have bought the step-stool. The two turned around and were met with Technoblade. His ruby-red eyes shone bright in the shadows of the dim house. His hands shook a bit at the sight of the brunette boy. "Ehm. Hey." Tubbo nodded to him in acknowledgment, and Tommy waved a bit. If Tommy didn't know any better, he would've snickered at the cutesy pajamas the older wore. The two moved past the man and made their way upstairs. Tommy closed the door behind him and turned to see the goat hybrid. To his surprise, the older had tears beading at his eyes.

Tommy pulled Tubbo closer and held him, and the brunette shakily let out a sob into his hoodie. He felt smaller hands clutch to the fabric like a lifeline. "I-I just- In the kitchen too, I-" Tubbo choked hysterically. "It's okay Tubs, you're okay." The brunette let out a shakey sob, slowly calming down. He sniffled and choked up again. Tommy held onto him tightly. Tubbo calmed down after a few minutes, tears still falling down his cheeks like a waterfall. He looked up from the younger's sweatshirt and made eye contact. His face was red and blotchy from crying.

"I- Am I okay? A-Am I bleeding?" Tommy shook his head. "You're okay, your not bleeding. Your fine. Nothing's happened." Tubbo nodded and put his head on the blonde's chest. Tommy sighed.

I really only want Tubbo to be okay right now. Please be okay.

Another chappy wappy, I know I said I might cancel this but I was just manic (bpd tings)

Finished: December 22, 2022
Words: 1033
Views: 2k (wtf?)

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