Old Habits

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Tommy drew the blade across his arm, watching the blood seep up from his skin. He licked off the blood and made another slice. He felt the room's cold air hit his cuts and we shivered. It had been a week since Wilbur died, and he had been cutting everyday since. Real Men by Mitski played in his earbuds. He set down his blade and pulled up his jacket. He got together his items and crawled back into his window, shutting it behind him. He plopped into his bed and pulled his phone out. The blonde paused as he got a message from the groupchat. He tapped on it.

Bench Boyz

Pleasa heelp guys

Tommy threw his phone down and sprinted downstairs. He disregarded the fact that it was 1:25 AM and ran out the door over to Tubbo's house. He threw open the door and went upstairs, getting into Tubbo's door. The blonde shook, running to his partner's side. He propped the brunette's top half onto his leg. Even seeing Tubbo on the ground made him panic after what happened. Tubbo's nose was bleeding, and his shoulder was cut. He had a black eye that would make a statue wince. Tears dripped from Tommy's eyes. The blonde took his sleeve and wiped the other's bleeding nose. Tubbo smiled a bit. "What happened?.." Tommy's voice shook. "My dad found out I'm trans.." The blonde has a look of terror. He pulled out his phone and tapped on Ranboo's contact, calling them. It picked up swiftly. "What's up?"

Tommy felt tears prick at his eyes. "Tubbo's dad found out he's trans." "... I'll be there in a second." Ranboo turned to it's mom. "Mom, I need to go help Tubbo. Like, now." Puffy saw the look of urgency in their eyes and nodded. The split-haired teen set their phone on the table and immediately dashed out of the door after grabbing their bag. It ran down the sidewalk, dodging pedestrians. They arrived in record time, swinging open the door and running up the steps before running in, adrenaline pumping. They ran to it's partner and tore open their bag, pulling out gauze and bandage roll. It handed Tubbo the gauze. "This is for your nose. Tommy, could you get me a wet paper towel?" Tommy nodded and ran out, returning swiftly with it. Ranboo thanked him and wiped over Tubbo's black eye before wiping the blood from his shoulder. It was still bleeding, but that made it easier.

Ranboo inspected the wound. "Tubbo, I'm gonna pull out the glass, ok?" Tubbo nodded. Ranboo took out tweezers and tediously picked the smaller shards of glass from his wound,setting them on the wet paper towel beside him. Their partner winced. After taking the small pieces out, Ranboo set its eyes on the larger shard of glass that was stuck through his arm. "Tubbo, this is gonna hurt really bad. Are you gonna be fine?" "Yeah. I only feel a little lightheaded." Tommy cringed. The split-haired teen grabbed gauze with their other hand. Ranboo wrapped its fingers around the shard. "3, 2, 1-" They pulled his hand upwards, dislodging the shard from Tubbo's skin. The brunette hissed in pain. It immediately pressed the gauze down onto the wound, applying pressure.

Tommy grabbed Ranboo the bandage roll. Ranboo thanked him and wrapped it around the gauze before grabbing medical tape from the bag and taping the bandage together. Tommy stood up and helped Tubbo up gently. "We should probably take you to the hospital so that we can check if you didn't like, get your tendons cut or something." Ranboo nodded and the two held onto Tubbo's arms to keep him stable. They walked him downstairs and to Tommy's house. Tommy handed Tubbo to Ranboo and ran inside, grabbing the keys off of the counter. He ran back out quickly. He unlocked the car and held onto Tubbo. They set the brunette in the backseat. Tommy decided to sit with Tubbo just in case, and Ranboo drove them to the hospital as fast as he could, as he had been taught how to drive at a young age. After a few minutes they arrived and took Tubbo out from the back, walking him in. The three got up to the receptionist. "My friend, his father stabbed or threw a beer bottle at him and he's bleeding a lot- I did what I could but we're not sure how bad the damage is." The receptionist nodded. "I'll see if we can get a doctor or nurse with you quickly. What's the patient's name?" "Toby Schlatt." The receptionist nodded and he began to type on the computer.

Sorry for the short chapter, im at my aunt's house bc my grandma is getting surgery so I don't really have time to write.

Finished: August 14, 2022
Words: 819
Views: 708

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