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Tommy took the last sip of his coke before chucking the aluminum can into the recycling bin. "Alright, I'm gonna go see Ranboo and Tubbo." Phil nodded. "K mate, come back by dinner. Do you want Chinese?" Tommy nodded. "Could I just get some rice?" "Yep." Tommy nodded in acknowledgment and walked out of the kitchen and out the door, not forgetting to hide his hybrid features. He walked across the lawn and got to Tubbo's house. He crept inside, creeping a past a half-awake Schlatt. He got the brunette's door and opened it. "I'm alive, fuckers." Tubbo jumped up from his spot on the floor and jumped into Tommy's arms. Ranboo ran forward too, wrapping the two in a hug. "Fuck you, you blonde ugly raccoon asshole. I hope you die." The shorter spat, nuzzling into the blonde's hoodie.

"Where did you go? We were worried." Ranboo asked, chin on the blonde's head. Tommy paused for a minute. "... I don't really wanna talk about it." He said softly. Tubbo nodded in understanding. Ranboo thought for a moment. "Can I take you guys to a place? I think you'll love it." "Sure, boo." Tommy nodded, not wanting to talk anymore. His throat hurt. Tommy held Tubbo's hand to feel grounded when  Ranboo pulled back to grab its and Tubbo's phone. They turned back. "You ok, Toms?" Tommy nodded. "Y-" He winced. "Yeah, m' head just fuckin hurts. I'm dizzy.." Ranboo nodded. "I could carry you? If you want, of course." Tommy's eyes were scrunched up. He felt fucking tired. Normally, he would tell Ranboo to fuck off (lovingly). He just made a gargling noise out of pure impulsive urge. "Mkay.." He groaned.

Ranboo picked him up with ease. Tommy gripped into them like a motherfucking koala. "I'm totally gonna use this against you." Tubbo said, flashing a playful grin. "Fuck you, I'm having a migraine or some shIT." His voice cracked. Ranboo just shook its head. "Ok, are you both done?" Tubbo stuck his tongue out at Ranboo. "Okay." They said. The three left the house and walked for quite a bit until they reached a more forest-y part of the road. Ranboo led Tubbo inside the forest bit and they walked for a little until they reached a clearing. It was a large field covered with alliums growing. Tubbo's face lit up. "Oh my god Ran this is so pretty!" Tommy nodded. His grip lightened from his partner's purple sweater as he let himself down gently. " 's pretty, Boo," Ranboo blushed nervously. "Thank you.." Tubbo flopped down on the fluffy grass and put his face into the flowers like a madman. Tommy flopped down next to him so Ranboo followed, crossing their legs gently. Tubbo sat up and beamed at the scenery, and his goat features popped out unexpectedly. "Sorry, I'm really happy." He grinned. "It's fine, I've been suppressing mine for a bit too long as well," Ranboo said, letting its hybrid features be visible. Tommy stared at him in awe. Ranboo looked away, embarrassed. "You've seen me like this a hundred times, come on man," Tommy grinned.

"I've seen the moon a hundred times too but I always stop to look at it." Ranboo blushed and looked away. Tubbo chucked a handful of grass at them. "Okay now give me attention." "Oooooh little Toby needs attention? Awwwww" Tommy said in his dumb baby voice. Tubbo headbutted him, and now Tommy was laying on his back, crying about how his partner doesn't love him anymore. Ranboo smiled a bit. It shook its head, looking up at the stars. Tommy ended the dramatics and followed their eyes. "Do you guys thinks that aliens exist?" Tubbo asked. "I dunno. It'd be pretty cool. I mean, hybrids and shit exist so who's to say aliens don't?" Ranboo nodded. "I'd like to think so. That'd be sick." Tommy made his hybrid features visible abruptly. "I completely forgot we were doing this." "L" Tubbo remarked.

I'm thinking about discontinuing this but I still wanna wrap up the story. I dunno. I'm losing motivation because I keep getting better story ideas and shit. I might cut this short and just make like 2 more chapters. It's getting painful to write this. There's so many plot holes and stuff that I just didn't explain.

Finished: September 4, 2022
Words: 732
Views: 998 (almost 1k, wtf??)

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