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Tommy couldn't go into that room with Wilbur. He thinks if he did he wouldn't be able to stop crying. It's been a few days since the incident, and Dream is going to court on charges of attempted manslaughter and premeditated murder. Tommy, Tubbo, and Niki will testify against him. Wilbur's heart has stopped a few times, and the doctors said he won't make it. Tommy's a wreck, his hair hasn't been washed since the incident and neither has he. The bags under his eyes are atrocious. Tubbo has been trying his best to support him with Ranboo but Tommy kept isolating himself with homework. On September 3rd, 2022, Phil had to pull the plug to Wilbur's life support. Wilbur lasted 5 hours afterwards. Phil opened the front door to his home. Tommy dashed downstairs. "Is he getting better?" Phil's face stayed blank. "I had to pull the plug." Time felt like it stopped for Tommy. He stood there with his eyes widened for nearly a moment. "What?" Phil's eyes watered. "He's dead." Tears spilled from his eyes. "Why?" He sobbed, nails driving into his arms. He picked at his skin. "Why did he have to die, Dad?" Phil broke. Tears fell from his eyes and he pulled Tommy close. He pet his hair. "I'm sorry Tommy." He cried. Tommy held the man close for a minute before pulling back. "I'm gonna go to my room.." Phil nodded, sitting down at the kitchen table. Tommy went upstairs and curled up inside of his red comforter. He couldn't feel upset anymore, he just missed Wilbur. He missed his dramatics, he missed his hugs, he missed listening to him play guitar through the walls. What was the point of being clean anymore? He didn't have Techno. He didn't have Wilbur. He has Ranboo and Tubbo but he knows they'll get tired of him eventually. He felt the urge to get his blades from the bathroom but he had no motivation to get up. He gave up and just went on his phone. Nothing made him happy besides Tubbo or Ranboo anymore. Everything was so bland. He closed his eyes. His phone vibrated and he grabbed it.
Bench Boyz

Do uou guy wanna hang out?

I can


Tommy shut his phone off and dragged himself out of bed. He grabbed his phone and headphones and played whatever playlist. He really didn't care about the little things anymore. He walked downstairs. "Can I go meet up with Tubbo and Ranboo?" Phil nodded from the kitchen table, focused on something on his laptop. He exited out the door and found Tubbo scrolling on his phone in his front yard. "Hey Tubs." Tubbo looked up at the blonde and grinned. "Hey Toms. Are you ready to get Ranboo?" Tommy nodded and took out his headphones. Tommy mentioned Spotify and got Tubbo going on a coding rant to satisfy his distaste for silence. "If I ran the app I'd be much more attentive. Like, I've found 13 bugs in the user interface already! These rich pricks need to take better care of the app. And the ads, I don't mind the breaks but they always play the same ads for weeks! Plus I wish they would add a messaging feature, sometimes I find cool playlists and want to talk to the creators to ask them about it but I can't and it's dumb!" Tommy nodded. "My problems are with Snapchat the most." "Snapchat is shit! Also, the fucking news or whatever section is dumb! None of it is true." Tubbo paused at Ranboo's door. Tommy knocked. He heard a few steps to the door before it opened. Out stepped a tired looking Ranboo. "Hey guys." "Hey Boo." "Big man, you ok?" Tommy asked. Ranboo nodded. "Yeah, we just had to go through Dream's stuff and throw it out." Tommy's expression darkened at the mention of the man but he quickly hid it. "Ok, What do you guys want to do?" Tubbo thought for a moment. "Do you guys want to go to the pub? Quackity inherited it a while ago, If I pay him he'll let us in." Tommy shrugged. "Why not." Ranboo nodded. Tubbo led them to the pub, Las Nevadas. It was across the town and fairly close to the mall where Tommy.... Yeah. The three walked up to the bouncer, a tall man with green eyes and an emerald necklace that hung down from his neck and onto his uniform. He had a shark tattoo on his neck. The Las Nevadas uniform was a button up shirt under black suspenders and black dress pants. The man had sky-blue converse on. Ranboo paused. "Foolish?" The man looked at the monochrome-haired teen. "Ranboo?" "I thought you were working on those monuments and statues?" Foolish scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah- Quackity kind of convinced me to join him. I don't regret it though, I make good money. I live in one of the nice apartments that Quackity owns. I don't know how that kid owns so much, he's like 14." Ranboo nods. "Speaking of Quackity," Tubbo handed Foolish a wad of cash. "Give that to him for me please. He's our guy." Foolish nods and opens the door for them.

The three marveled at the architecture of the building. The walls were made of pure marble with gold accents. The bar had dark oak stools and a table. A man stood behind it. Tommy looked closer in the dim light. "Wait- Fundy?" The bartender looked at him. "Wait- how did you guys even get in here? Your twelve??-" Tubbo pulled ten dollars out of his pocket and shushed Fundy. The man just stared at them in exasperation before going back to wiping down the bar. They turned to the rest of the room and admired it. A man ran up to them. "Hey Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo from Esempi Middle School! I'll be seating you today!" He had splotches of something green stuck to his skin and brunette hair. The man wore a button up under a brown vest with black dress pants and Sketchers. Tommy admired the pretty colors on them. His glasses reflected the fluorescent lights of the pub as he grinned at the three. He seemed familiar. Ranboo smiled at the man in uncertainty. "So do we choose wherever or..?" Tubbo questioned. Slimecicle shook his head frantically. "Nonono, please don't. You're supposed to sit here!" He said with a toothy smile, pointing to a table near the back. Tommy nodded and the three followed him. "Alright, what are you ordering?" Slimecicle asked. "Can I have a Jack Daniels Fireball?" Tubbo asked. Slime nodded. "Could I just get Red Wine please?" Ranboo asked politely. Slime wrote it down. "Could I get Vodka? Tommy finished off. Slime held his small notebook to his side and grinned. "Alright, if that's it I'll give your orders to Fundy!" The three nodded as Slime retreated. Ranboo looked at his two partners. "Hey, uhm- I need to tell you guys something.." Tubbo looked up from his phone and Tommy turned to look at him. "What's up boob?" Tommy asked, his finger scratching at the table. "Please promise not to hate me." Tubbo shook his head. "We could never hate you." "Okay.." Tommy held his hand, tracing over his knuckles. "I'm Agender.. I'm sorry.." Silence engulfed the table and Ranboo got themself ready for rejection. "Sick! What are your pronouns?" Tommy asked, grabbing his partner's hand and fidgeting with it. Ranboo smiled, thankful. "Uhm- I prefer They/It pronouns but I'm fine if you're uncomfortable using It/Its on me." Tubbo smiled. "Thanks for trusting us with this, Boo." Ranboo grinned. Their conversation was cut off when Slime returned to their table and placed down their drinks. Tubbo handed the man a wad of cash. "Fucking christ, Where are you getting this much money?" Tommy asked, taking a drink of his Vodka. "My dad's a business man, that bitch is loaded. I finally found where he keeps all of that shit." Ranboo nodded, taking a sip of it's wine.

Ayup fellas. My hand is in extreme pain after surgery but I can't stop that Jack manifold grind boys

Date finished: August 10, 2022
Views: 678
Words: 1392

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