Chpt 53: Here's A Real High Class 'Bout!

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His empty eyes landed on the "gift" in front of him. It gives a free trip on memory lane, and causes nothing but sleepless nights.

"But you aren't asss clean asss you think you are."

"Do you think you can run away and leave everything behind?"

"Shh.. don't worry.. It was an accident.. I-It wasn't your f..fault" 

"..Never blame y-yourself, alright..?"


Voices whispered in his head, as he gulp down a bottle of liquor "Why is he here.." His voice was soft, whispering to himself, but it was filled with deadly poison. The gun on the table shines because of the moonlight hitting its metallic parts "Why did he bring me this gun.." The same gun that killed his mother.

He stares at it, and it was as if the whole world was turning dark, or was it his vision? Only the gun was the source of light.

"Have he come to ridicule me?"

His hands curved into a fist "He dare shows his face afTER WHAT HE HAS DONE?!" Slamming his hand on the table. His eyes were blinded by rage.

Dice has always hated feeling weak, and powerless. Small, like a fragile child against a wild beast. That's why he held his head up high, refusing for anyone to step on him. Refusing for a monster to be left unpunished.

Yet when he saw those eyes... Those eyes who has witnessed all his crimes... He felt horrified. He couldn't move. He felt sick. He felt defenseless. Like staring at a psychopath running free, not giving two shts about the world.

"How dare he?"

The ticking on the clock filled the silence.


After all the sleepless nights. Fights in the living room. The bruises, the pain that he inflicted on his mother. The scars. The tears. His childhood being stolen away from him. After all his Father has done, he dares shows his face?!

King released all his anger on lifeless objects. Ruining his organized bedroom, ruining the walls of his room, the drawers, broken mirrors and windows. He couldn't care less. All he could feel, all he could hear was this intense, burning feeling of his heart beating rapidly against its cage.

Emerald eyes landed on the gun.

He will get his revenge, for his mother and him.

Seems like wrath took over him.

King Dice took the gun.

• • •

The rain poured hard outside. It's been at least 2 days since King Dice disappeared. It was worrying everyone, especially the Devil.

"S-Sorry sir, W-We searched but w-we haven't seen King Dice i-in isle one either–"

"KEEP FCKING LOOKING THEN, DAMMIT!!" Devil's voice roared, his voice sounding even more demonic every second "Don't fcking stop until you find him! HEAR ME?!" The imps nod their heads in fear "GET GOING!!"

Even the whole residents of Inkwell were getting worried. With King Dice gone and the Devil at the brink of cracking the earth in half, things aren't looking so good.

All Dev knows was that King Dice didn't sleep the night before, and Chips just told him about the mysterious dice giving him a "gift" and KD panicked. Y'know this information would have been helpful if he told them that BEFORE HE DISAPPEARED!!

Betting On Red {DevilDice}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora