Chpt 22: Out on the roof

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The sun is slowly setting clear along the horizon. Orange, pink, and yellow hues bounce throughout the place, making his room look bright, perfect for writing. The die-headed man was near the window, finishing up some paper works. He adjusts his glasses that he use for reading, his eyes arent that broken, but it makes it pretty easy to read papers using these, ever since after the huge fight, he started wearing these, tho he doesn't like using it around anyone, it makes him feel old. He was signing some papers while listening to some tunes on the radio.

I'm flyin' high
But I've got a feelin' Im falling
Fallin' for nobody else but you~

Dice's mind wanders off to that kiss. You might think that he must've forgotten all about that since it's been a whole day, but ever since that accident, it's all he can think about.

You caught my eye
And I got a feelin' Im fallin'
Show me the ring and I'll jump right through~

Dice was conflicted with his feelings. Why does it bother him so much? He has been here for a long time now, he already experienced and saw some pretty embarrassing stuff, why is a little kiss such a huge deal? He's close with his boss and considers him a good chaotic friend, so it shouldn't be that bad, right?

I used to travel single, oh
We chance to mingle, oh
Now I all a tingle over you

A thought came across Dice. Do I like the kiss? His face turned red. Well, did he? M-Maybe? Would he want to try it again? Tasting that coffee flavor against his soft lips.. That feeling of rush.. Maybe I do wanna try it again- Ah! But I can't do that! What the h3ll am I saying? Why would I want to...

Hey mister parson stand by
For I got a feelin' Im falling
Falling for nobody else but you~

Do I like him? Dice slammed his face on his table. No, I can't do that he's my boss! And he is the freaking Devil! He'd just laugh at me! I don't want anything to be awkward between us either! It's better if I keep this feelings to myself. Me and the boss's relationship is strictly professional, and nothin' more but a platonic one! His mind remembers all the time that he has been close to him. His cuddles, his soft fur, the nickname he gave him, his morning voice, his.. lips. He couldn't help but blush, holding his chest. Dammit, but I do like him.. don't I?

Oh honey, Oh honey, I've never felt this way
Romantically Im up in the air
Its funny, so funny me taking it this way
Don't know if I should
But gee, it feels good~

Loud knocks stopped his thoughts "Aye Boss! Me and the crew are gonn' be drinkin' tonight! Wanna join us?" Dice let out a sigh, placing his glasses down "Sounds fun"

• • •
The 5th bottle of empty booze loudly clanks on the floor. Hiccups and soft humming can be heard from him and snores from the others. Wheezy, Chips and Phear are half-drunk, currently laughing and talking. Pirouletta, Pip, dot, and Mangosteen are currently playing some games, the others, asleep. King Dice is wasted, his head on the table. They saw him grab another bottle but were stopped by Chips "Heey! That's gonna' be your sixth! And we all know how bad you are at drinking! You're gonna have a horrible headache tomorrow" Dice only let out a grumble, his head not leaving the table "Heey, what's goin' on with him?" Wheezy asked, noticing something off about him. Usually, he wouldn't be getting drunk especially when tomorrow is Saturday when they are usually busy, he'd turn down a drink or maybe sip a little cup, but not THIS. He is DRUNK-drunk, it's a bit rare to see him get wasted, they only saw it after a heartbreak. Chips shrug his shoulders "Ey Dice?" He pushed his shoulders a bit, causing him to look up at them "Did your girl break up with ya?" Wheeze asked, Dice, placed his cheek on the palm of his hands, trying to make sense of what was happening "..Uhh, whaat..?" Pip let out a chuckle "Did Amelia break up with you?" Wheezy repeats his question, a bit clearer "Naah.." He plays with an empty glass "Then why you drinkin' so much?" Dice started chuckling to himself "Its.. Im fcked- Im justh- in a huge mess HaHah!" Some of them couldn't stop themselves from chuckling, seeing how Dice is acting "What mess?" Wheezy asked again "..Mmhmm..." He placed the glass down, letting out a hiccup "I just *hic* like- I don't.. even know WHAT made me feel these stupid fffeelings! *hic* Argh! the sun is too close to my facee" Chips started laughing "What the fck is he talking about-HahAhA!!" Chips wipe a tear-away "Probably the light" Pirouletta suggested, looking at the ceiling.

Suddenly they hear the door opening, revealing the big cheese. Wheezy and the others greeted him. It's not unusual to see his employees drink their problems away, so he let them be, he noticed the ones playing a game with a little money on the table "What?! Again?! That's cheating!" Pirouletta chuckles to herself "Cheating? How can you possibly prove that Im cheating?" Pip and dot puffed their cheeks out, the others chuckled at this. Chips suddenly exclaimed "Hey! No no no! That's enough!" Devil saw him pulling a bottle away from Dice, who looks really drunk, sitting on the couch "Dice? Drinking on a Friday night? That's new" Wheezy scratched his head "Yeahh, he had 5 bottles already boss" Mangosteen laughs "Yeah! And he's been talking no sense! HaHa!!" Dice only now noticed that the demon is here "oh sht! When *hic* did yoouu get here??" He let out a chuckle, finding drunk Dice quite stupid, but in a cute way "Been here for a few minutes" Dice rubs his eyes and suddenly started crying, hugging the demon, burying his face on his shoulder.

"Oohh.. Boosss Im so sorry I accidentally kissed youuu" Everyone gasped out loud, staring at Dice with wide eyes, everyone stopped what they were doing. A few tears were building on Dice's face "I *hic* swear I was justhh tryin' to get ouuttt" Devil chuckled at this, he didn't know he'd react like this after that silly mistake, he really must've been so embarrassed "I know Dice. Now stop cryin' it ain't a big deal" He noticed his relaxed breathing as he went quiet, it seems like he went to sleep already. The crew still couldn't absorb the information that the die just threw at them "What the h3ll are you all looking at?" They all looked away, not wanting to piss off the devil. He carried Dice so he could sleep on a bed. The moment the devil left the room, screams of surprise rang across the halls.
"Im not sure, I maybe too drunk"
"SHHTT- No wonder why he freakin' drank 5 bottles today"
"Yeah, but if it was just an accident, why was Dice so affected by it? That guy is a huge flirt, especially to the customers"
"You guyss thinkin' what Im thinkiiinngg~~?"
"H3ll yeah! Dice is gonna get fck by the devil!"
"...No Chips, you dimwit, Dice may have a tiny crush on the big cheese"
"What? Nahh, what if he's really just embarrassed about it? He has a girlfriend and a thousand more before Amelia"
"Ya'll think he's still straight?"
"Im gonna talk to Dice tomorrow about it, how 'bout that?"
"What! But I wanna talk to him too!"
"Hah! This is gonna be fun"

The devil lay Dice down beside him, the crickets outside can be heard in the quiet night. The moonlight shines through his window, gently hitting Dice's sleeping face. The demon lay on his stomach and stared at the die in front of him. Noticing some small cracks on his face, he probably got that from the fight. He remembers how Dice acted earlier, how he cried and apologized, it amused him for some reason. His reaction when they kissed, he wants to see them again. Dice turned a little in his sleep, murmuring a few words under his breath. The devil chuckled and decided to cuddle him, since according to Dice, he quite like it. He wraps his arms around him and started feeling warm and fuzzy inside. He doesn't know why, but he doesn't mind.

heyyy i have cuphead dlc lessgoo
*cOuHg* but i cant play it yet cuz im sick :'(

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