Chpt 38: The gay and the stalker

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KD woke up to the peaceful chirping of the birds outside his window. The party was amazing, he had a lot of fun! He will remember this date and cherish this moment forever. Never in his life did he expect that he'd be able to celebrate his birthday again.

Since his family was poor, he doesn't bother asking his mother for a gift, or to celebrate it either. Being able to breathe and live for another day without his Dad beating him up was enough for him.

That and he probably regret the day he was born, but that soon changed.

Dice got up from his bed and made his way to the bathroom. He got ready and headed to the Casino. He opened the door and was about to leave his room when he stepped on something. Little pieces of small brown fur..? Dice frowns, he probably should tell someone to clean it.

He shrugged it off when he saw Pip and Dot walking upstairs "Oh! Hey boss!" Dice greeted them back "We forgot to wear the right shoes!"  "We?" They continued arguing as Dice left.

He hopes that the Casino won't be too messy, it's a pain to clean all that.
This got Dice thinking about what happened last night, with his boss. He got so distracted with what he was doing that he couldn't pay attention that much to what he was saying.

A faint blush spreads on his face 'Why did he touch me like that..?' He could still feel his warm finger, grazing through his body. It made him weak with just a few touches. He wonders what he'd feel if... He felt himself shiver 'Oh, I should stop thinking about it! Besides, I have a job to do!!' He fixed his posture and walked into the Casino.

"G'morning Boss!"

Wheezy greeted which he replies. They talked and ready the Casino. Luckily they weren't as busy today, which means they can slack off. Dice walked outside the Casino, taking a breath of fresh air. He admires the view of the horizon, and the busy people minding their business.
When he suddenly felt like someone was staring at him. He looked around, and yeah, some people passing by looked at him for a bit, but not that long.

He glanced behind him, the crew wasn't outside either. Dice couldn't shake off the feeling, so he instead walks back to the Casino.

This day has been pretty weird. He always feels like someone is watching him, in everything he does. Playing poker, making drinks, listing the soul contracts, the intense eyes staring at him was still there.

The crew noticed how the manager was feeling uneasy, how he keeps looking around like he was trying to find something, and how he trails his sentence off and did not finish it "Hey boss!" Chips waved a hand in front of him "Need something?" Dice responded, writing something in the paper "You alright? I've noticed you're a little.. paranoid?" Dice looked behind and around him again "..I just feel like someone is watching me" Chips looked around, before sitting down with him "Well, you are King Dice soo..." He shook his head "No, that's not it. I know how people look at me, I'm used to it, but this..." He looked down " feels threatening" Chips worriedly looked at him and thought of something to say "Hmm, I haven't seen anyone weird here, but I'll tell ya right away if I did!" He smiled at him "Thanks Chips"  "No problem boss!"

The sun started to set, and everything started going dark. The blanket of stars unfolds in the night sky and the breeze turned cold. Dice was just finishing up some paper works when he decided to take a break. He stretched his arms, and yawned, his back hurts after sitting in a chair for hours.

He opened the window and let the cold air come in and cool his place down before leaving the place. He walked outside the cave and went to the nearest park. Casually walking around the quiet place. This park would be filled with annoying brats in the morning, but around this time it doesn't. It's nice to have a little alone time with the trees. He sat on one of the swings and just looked around.

He saw two pretty butterflies dancing around a flower, they seemed to be playing. One butterfly keeps running away from a web, however, one didn't and got caught in it. The other butterfly flies around them, then left once it saw a spider. Poor butterflies. Don't they know not to stray away too far to the Spider's web?

Just as he was about to leave, he heard someone walking behind him "King Dice..?" A familiar woman's voice, so soft and gentle. He turned around. A face he never thought he'd see again.


my friggin shoulder hurts cuz i got my booster shot today >:T

im in pain.

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