Chpt 11: Great choice

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The huge doors welcome them to the newly designed Casino. Some are the regular customers they always see, but most of them are new faces. They breathe in the scent, missing the place after being closed for a while. Finally! A place where we can forget about all our problems, and gamble till our hearts are content! The sound of laughter roared throughout the place, everyone was having a good time while the people on the stage are performing various acts to entertain the players.

My, it's been a while since they last opened the place. New style with a fresh look to hide the past battle. Dice walked around the place, checking for any cheaters, big gamblers, newcomers, and some other tasks to check upon. It's like nothing changed, only improved, and the Devil can't be any happier. Instead of catching up on paper works, he decided to have fun for a while, after all, it's the Casino's grand re-opening.

King Dice was hosting a table when the doors dramatically opened, revealing the Devil himself. The players cheered, happy to see him back, while the newcomers were a bit intimidated seeing him up close. He sat down on the table where the die is hosting and decided to play with them, offering a deal while he was at it.

Time passed and the night fell, some of the customers left, closing time was nearly there. Some of them were drunk, some won big and some lost but all of them had a great time. Just as the doors were closing, two familiar cups were peaking through the cave. What are they up to this time? They sneaked into the cave, and around the Casino to not draw attention to themselves "Mugman! I don't think we should do this! Cant we just go to sleep?" Cuphead whisper-shouted to his brother "But it's easier to sneak at night, and didn't you see how many people they were earlier?" Cuphead groans "Can't we just ask where the contract is?" He complained "To who? The devil? As if he would just hand it to us" They looked around, the lights were off and the front doors are locked "Yeah! He knows we beat him, we can do it again" He explained as they sneak into the Devil's office "I don't think he'll be intimidated by us, he's probably still mad and it's not good if he sees us again" The office was empty, and they hear soft snores in the other room, they tried opening the room, but it's locked. The Devil was asleep, that's good, it means they have plenty of time to search for it. They checked the drawers and the table, quietly rummaging through the ocean of papers and documents "We don't even have a clue where to find it!" Cup grumbled "It has to be here! He probably hides it somewhere close to him" They searched the shelves, top, and bottom. While Mugman was trying to reach, he accidentally knocked the ink off of the table, causing it to make a loud sound, echoing throughout the room. They froze in fear until they hear footsteps. They rushed to leave through the window but was too late when the other door opened revealing an angry-looking beast. His eyes landed on the boys, attempting to leave the place causing his anger to rise "You two AGAIN?!" His voice roared in the quiet night. Mugman raised both his hands "W-Were not here to fight!" The Devil only glared at them, gripping on his trident "You have the NERVE to come back here?!" He points his trident at them, Cuphead stepping in front of Mugs, protecting him "Listen to him! Were not here to fight!" The Devil's blood was boiling, not wanting to listen to them "YOU destroyed EVERYTHING!" Fire was forming on his back, causing Cuphead to ready his aim at him "Mugs, the only way we can get that contract is if we take it forcefully from him" Cuphead whispered to his brother, who sadly nods his head, sad that he has to fight again.

It was a quiet night. The die was just closing the Casino, checking if it was clean and ready for tomorrow. He heads up to his room with the others after "Good night boss!" Said Wheezy to the manager "Goodnight" They went to their rooms, closing the door after. Dice lay down on his bed, exhausted. He looks to his left, seeing a clock, ticking quietly, beside it was a stack of paper that he hasn't started doing. He let out a heavy sigh, feeling all his tiredness sinking in his body, suddenly feeling all the times he overworked himself. This week has been so tiring. After the cups beat them, they had a lot of work to do, and he knows that he won't be taking a break any time this week, it was a grand re-opening, a lot of stuff to do. His eyes were heavy, he felt like he was gonna be sick, he felt weak. Right when he was just about to sleep, not bothering to even change, a loud voice was heard. "You two AGAIN?!" A loud crash came moments after that. Dice sat up, groaning out loud. Can't he just take a quick break? He walks downstairs, speed walking towards his office. Smoke came from the office as Dice pushed open the doors "Boss! What is-" He stops mid-sentence, seeing Cuphead on top of him, pointing a finger on his head while Mugman was holding a contract far from the Devil but the devil was holding his foot, preventing him to burn the paper. The room was a mess, it was just like how they first fought. They all stop, looking up at Dice who was standing surprised. There was an awkward moment of silence between them "King Dice!" Mugman shouted, throwing a folded paper towards him. It rolled on the ground, Dice picked it up and opened it.

It was his soul contract. He never thought he'd see this again.

"Burn it!!" Mugman screamed as Dice stared at the contract.

This is it. His freedom is in his hands. He'll be free from all this work, he'll have his soul back. He can live his life again! Away from this tiring infinite loop of work. Away from this demanding Demon. The golden glow of the parchment reflected on Dice's eyes.

He took a step forward.

And another.

And another.

Till he was standing in front of the fire.

The three watched. Mugman, with a smile on his face, was waiting for him to burn the contract. The Devil's ears dropped as he stop struggling, realizing that the die wanted to go free, his emotions were mixed, he doesn't know what to do. Cuphead was holding the demon down tighter, in case he was attempting to do something.

Suddenly, the brothers felt like they were flying. They both looked up, seeing Dice holding them up using their handles "Boys, I appreciate the help, really, but.. I chose to stay here, and that'll never change" Mugman stared surprised and a little confused, but he nods his head, respecting his choice "What? Seriously?! After all we've been through?!" Cuphead complained again, Dice put them down "Well it's your fault for assuming I wanna leave" Dice flicked his nose, Cup flinched, rubbing his nose slowly while glaring at him "Im sorry Mr. Dice.. I just wanted to return the favor.." Mugman said, looking down "Favor?" The die raises his eyebrow "Yeah, you saved me from the train tracks when my foot got stuck" Dice's eyes widen, then started chuckling "Oh? Haha!! That was you? My, I feel old.." Dice pets his head while the Devil was standing in the background, utterly confused about what's happening "Well little mug, don't mention it. Seriously, no one has to know that happened" Mugman nods his head, understanding that he has to keep a hard exterior for his job "Anyway, you should probably sleep, so go now, and don't come back. Unless you want your souls taken away from you again" Cuphead took his brother's hand, still glaring at the die. The office doors closed, leaving the two alone "What the fck just happened"

The night was quiet again.

in my head they're like:

___in my head they're like:

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

and dice is like:

and dice is like:

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

lol check out my tumblr if ya want, have a nice day :D

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

lol check out my tumblr if ya want, have a nice day :D

Betting On Red {DevilDice}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें