Chpt 48: Not So Subtle Moves

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It has been at least a week or two since the confession, and everything seems so peaceful. The manager confidently walked down the halls, towards the Casino pit where everyone else is.

"A little late today huh?" Mr Wheezy commented, looking at his watch "Sorry, Boss and I... had some stuff to take care of.."

Does the crew know about their relationship?


They don't. Why didn't he tell them yet? Because Dice wanted to see how long it'll take for them to realize what was happening. That and cuz he thinks it's funny, and he wanted to see their reaction.

"Well, everythin's set now, we'll be openin' the place after a few minutes," The cigar said, huffing a puff of smoke "Heeyy Dicee!" Chips happily approached them "Don't think that I don't notice something going on with ya~" Oh? What's this? Will Chips be the first one who'll know? "Notice what?" Dice asked, keeping professional "You've been spending a lot of time with the Boss lately~ You're makin' a move aren't ya?" Dice decided to lie "No, we just have a lot to do. That, and he keeps requesting for me to run some errands" He took a look at his checklist, seeing Chip's disappointed face in the corner of his eyes, it made him want to chuckle "Ughh, rriighhhttt..." He crosses his arms "Well then.. when are ya gonna ask him out? Are you planning on keeping this secret forever?!" Dice shrugs his shoulders "If I have to" Chips frowns at this, pouting in disappointment.

Soon, the place was filled with excited gamblers. Dice was in the middle of setting the table for a new game when he saw his Boss sitting down on a chair, ready to play with some mortals across the room. They gave each other a little wave and a smile before going back to whatever it is they were doing "Aww, how cute~" Chips cooed. The manager rolled his eyes "Y'know Dice, I would be really happy if the two of you would just-" Chips formed two 'lips' using his hand, and made them 'kiss' each other "And besides! What are ya so afraid of?" Dice replied "A lot of things actually, it includes losing everything I have if he finds out, and the rejection that comes with it" He placed the shuffled cards back in the box and arranged the chips on the table "..At first I was scared that I won't be someone who he think is.. special to him" He looked back at his Boss, who was also glancing back at him "What??? Are you seriously that blind??" Chips lean on the table "Don't you see how different he treats you from the rest of us? How different he talks and acts around you?" This made Dice smile a little because looking back, before the confession, he realized how naive he was being around him "...Oh?" Chips laughed out loud, earning a few glances around them "Ohh Diceee.. Hahahah!! I'm surprised how naive you can be!" Dice let out a few chuckles. That was when he noticed the Boss approaching them. Dev gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead, which caught Dice off guard and left. Dice looked back at the demon walking back to his office, his face flushed with a tint of red. Chips let out an exaggerated gasp and grabbed both Dice's shoulders and started shaking him "TELL ME THAT AIN'T A SIGN HE LIKES YOU!!" Dice grabbed his arm to make him stop shaking him. He looked around to see if people saw, then turned back to Chip "Shh!! He was probably just messin' with me" Chips gave him a disapproving look "You don't mess with people by kissing them on the forehead Dice"

• • •

The sleazy manager let out an amused chuckle "Y'know, since you've been so kind.. Let me offer you some free advice" Dice gave him a friendly smirk "The higher chance of you winning? Is if you bet on number 8, 12 or 7" He whispered to a gambler, who was blushing at how close they were "But I'm not that certain, since well, it ain't really gambling if ya don't lose" Dice was about to leave when the gambler took his hand "Say.. Do you mind if I take you out to dinner after your shift?"

It's funny how shallow people can be. Just show 'em your wealth, good looks, and dazzling reputation and any mortal will surely want to date you "Ah, sorry, but I'm already seeing someone" He was going to go but he felt their grip on his hand only tightened "Sir. Let go of my hand" The gambler was persistent "C'mon Mr Dice, I'll treat ya real nicely~" Dice's face wanted to twist in disgust, but he remained calm "Did you not hear what I said?" The player frowns, burrowing his eyebrows "Who are you seeing anyway? At least tell me who" This mf really had the audacity to- Dice cleared his throat, a little annoyed. Especially since he was beginning to like the player, now they just ruined it for themselves, isn't that great? Dice was about to reply when he saw the man look up, fear in his wide eyes as he let go of Dice's hand. Dice felt a fluffy arm around his waist, and the smell of something burning behind him "Leave or I'll make you" His voice was deep and intimidating. With fear, the gambler scurries away.

Some players stopped to watch the scene happening, whispering messages to each other. Dice let out a sigh, and lightly hit the demon's arm with a curled paper, causing Dev to let go of him, a small blush on his face "Are you alright?" Dev followed Dice who was heading to the bar "Yes and thank you, they were annoying" Dice leans on the counter with his elbows on the table, drinking a cold beverage "Seriously, people like that piss me off." Dev grumbled, his tone full of poison "Especially hate how they treat you" He continued with a frown "Don't worry Boss, I'm used to it"
"But you shouldn't be! They should be treating you as if you were a king!" Dice let out a chuckle.

With each hour that passed, Dice noticed how the demon was being a little too affectionate in public. He would steal a few kisses here and there when no one is looking, distract him from his game and embarrass him in front of everyone. But also he was acting a bit more protective, wasn't complaining about that part tho cuz it helps shoo away the annoying ones.

Like that one time when Dice was playing poker with the Devil as one of the players "Place your bets!" Dice announced. And as they were placing bets, one, very drunk player suggested "I bet that Mr King is too much of a pussy to kiss the Devil HAHA!!" Dice's eyes widen because of the comment which he uttered with such confidence, while Dev was intrigued with the said bet. Someone wanted to double down on that bet "I'd bet he can!!" "I double bet he can't!!" Until there were at least 12 people surrounding the table they were in, with money on hand. Some of them wanted to win, and some just wanted to witness the chaos "Fellas! Fellas.. I'm not going to be accepting side bets especially tha-"

"Whaatt? Come on Dice, can't you see what they're offering here~?" The Devil whispered to him, a smirk plastered on his face "I BET HE CAN'T!" Someone in the crowds shouted "HE CAN!! I'D BET MY SOUL ON IT!!" The drunk man replied. Dice glanced around him, seeing the chaos and people shouting, he let out a sigh "Fine" Sometimes, he's just too good at his job "Well! With the approval of the Boss, I'll be allowing side bets" Everyone around them cheered as Dice started counting people who would choose who, and which choice the Casino would benefit more. He calculated that only 5 voted that he can kiss his Boss, and 7 voted that he can't. Phew, That was close. Dice let out a chuckle "Seems like I win this one" He leans a little towards the Devil so he can hear him "I wouldn't be too confident with that.." He said with an evil smirk. Some of them started chanting "Kiss" over and over again until there were a lot of people who joined them "What the.."

There was an old rumour that the Devil and his right hand man was dating, but since Dice was always seen flirting with a lot of gamblers, and going on dates, that rumor died down. But now? That rumor started to come alive again.

The money on the table filled up. The side that used to have only 5 votes, had more votes than the other and Dice was pretty concerned and embarrassed. The demon beside him let out an evil chuckle at Dice's blushing face "Wouldn't you want to give the people what they want?~" Dice pouted, and looked at the money, then back at Dev then at the money 'There is no way I'm gonna lose my reputation because of this' So he did the most logical way to do.

Eyoooo i am disgusted like- brooo last update was at oct. 14 i think, and i was just rllyy hecking busy and im so sorry if this was shiet but i still have the plot annddddd this story is nearly ending so enjoy it while its on going?

Dont worry tho, imma give it a proper ending, i dont wanna discontinue shiz like that feeling of being so invested in the story then found out its discontinued and u just wanna curl into a ball and c r y-

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